Hacker News
- Labstack/echo: High performance, minimalist Go web framework https://github.com/labstack/echo 40 comments
- Echo: A fast HTTP router and micro framework in Go https://github.com/labstack/echo 39 comments
- Echo: High performance, minimalist Go web framework https://github.com/labstack/echo 7 comments golang
- Echo vs Gin (just for fun) https://github.com/labstack/echo/blob/master/readme.md#benchmarks 11 comments golang
- Introducing Echo v2, web framework for Golang, extremely fast, flexible and highly customizable with many new features. https://github.com/labstack/echo 13 comments golang
- Introducing Echo! Echo is a fast HTTP router (zero memory allocation) + micro web framework in Go. https://github.com/labstack/echo 16 comments golang
Linking pages
- GitHub - neiesc/awesome-minimalist: A curated list of awesome minimalist frameworks (simple and lightweight). https://github.com/neiesc/ListOfMinimalistFrameworks 130 comments
- GitHub - ankorstore/yokai: Simple, modular, and observable Go framework for backend applications. https://github.com/ankorstore/yokai 113 comments
- The Go libraries that never failed us: 22 libraries you need to know | Three Dots Labs blog https://threedots.tech/post/list-of-recommended-libraries/ 98 comments
- Using AI for Coding: My Journey with Cline and Large Language Models – P. Galeone's blog https://pgaleone.eu/ai/coding/2025/01/26/using-ai-for-coding-my-experience/ 92 comments
- Using Firecracker and Go to run short-lived, untrusted code execution jobs - Stan's blog https://stanislas.blog/2021/08/firecracker/ 55 comments
- GitHub - mikestefanello/pagoda: Rapid, easy full-stack web development starter kit in Go https://github.com/mikestefanello/pagoda 48 comments
- GitHub - 0x2E/fusion: A lightweight, self-hosted friendly RSS aggregator and reader https://github.com/0x2E/fusion 48 comments
- Practical OpenAPI in Go - by Alex Pliutau https://packagemain.tech/p/practical-openapi-in-golang 27 comments
- GitHub - mikestefanello/hooks: Simple, type-safe hook system to enable easier modularization of your Go code. https://github.com/mikestefanello/hooks 25 comments
- GitHub - deepmap/oapi-codegen: Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications https://github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen 21 comments
- GitHub - solo-io/unik: The Unikernel & MicroVM Compilation and Deployment Platform https://github.com/emc-advanced-dev/unik 19 comments
- GitHub - michal-laskowski/wax: Generate HTML on the server side with TSX/JSX templates in Go https://github.com/michal-laskowski/wax 19 comments
- jub0bs/cors: a better CORS middleware library for Go :: jub0bs.com https://jub0bs.com/posts/2024-04-27-jub0bs-cors-a-better-cors-middleware-library-for-go/ 14 comments
- GitHub - newrelic/go-agent: New Relic Go Agent https://github.com/newrelic/go-agent 13 comments
- GitHub - cloudwego/hertz: Go HTTP framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services. https://github.com/cloudwego/hertz 12 comments
- GitHub - azer/atlas: DEPRECATED: I'm using labstack/echo now. http://github.com/azer/atlas 11 comments
- Docker Containers on RISC-V Architecture | by Carlos Eduardo | Medium https://medium.com/@carlosedp/docker-containers-on-risc-v-architecture-5bc45725624b 11 comments
- GitHub - uptrace/bunrouter: Golang HTTP router https://github.com/vmihailenco/treemux 11 comments
- GitHub - thangchung/go-coffeeshop: ☕ A practical event-driven microservices demo built with Golang. Nomad, Consul Connect, Vault, and Terraform for deployment https://github.com/thangchung/go-coffeeshop 11 comments
- GitHub - gavv/httpexpect: End-to-end HTTP and REST API testing for Go. https://github.com/gavv/httpexpect 10 comments
Linked pages
- Release History - The Go Programming Language https://go.dev/doc/devel/release#go1.20.6 120 comments
- GitHub - mikestefanello/pagoda: Rapid, easy full-stack web development starter kit in Go https://github.com/mikestefanello/pagoda 48 comments
- Modules · golang/go Wiki · GitHub https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules 37 comments
- GitHub - rs/zerolog: Zero Allocation JSON Logger https://github.com/rs/zerolog 29 comments
- GitHub - casbin/casbin: An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Golang https://github.com/casbin/casbin 29 comments
- GitHub - deepmap/oapi-codegen: Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications https://github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen 21 comments
- GitHub - uber-go/zap: Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go. http://github.com/uber-go/zap 17 comments
- pprof package - net/http/pprof - Go Packages https://pkg.go.dev/net/http/pprof 14 comments
- API Documentation & Design Tools for Teams | Swagger http://swagger.io 9 comments
- Echo - High performance, minimalist Go web framework https://echo.labstack.com/ 3 comments
- GitHub - swaggo/echo-swagger: echo middleware to automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0. https://github.com/swaggo/echo-swagger 2 comments
- GitHub - darkweak/souin: An HTTP cache system, RFC compliant, compatible with @tyktechnologies, @traefik, @caddyserver, @go-chi, @bnkamalesh, @beego, @devfeel, @labstack, @gofiber, @go-goyave, @go-kratos, @gin-gonic, @roadrunner-server, @zalando, @zeromicro, @nginx and @apache https://github.com/darkweak/souin 1 comment
- GitHub - prometheus/client_golang: Prometheus instrumentation library for Go applications https://github.com/prometheus/client_golang 0 comments
- OpenAPI Specification - Version 3.0.3 | Swagger http://swagger.io/specification/ 0 comments
- Guide | Echo - High performance, minimalist Go web framework https://echo.labstack.com/guide 0 comments
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