- GitHub - kubernetes-sigs/kind: Kubernetes IN Docker https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind 3 comments golang
- kind - kubernetes in docker https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kind 7 comments kubernetes
Linking pages
- Why Does Developing on Kubernetes Suck? | Tilt Blog https://blog.tilt.dev/2019/08/21/why-does-developing-on-kubernetes-suck.html 118 comments
- GitHub - storax/kubedoom: Kill Kubernetes pods by playing Id's DOOM! https://github.com/storax/kubedoom 80 comments
- GitHub - openfaas/faas-netes: Serverless Functions For Kubernetes https://github.com/alexellis/faas-netes 75 comments
- 6 Tools to Run Kubernetes Locally https://yankee.dev/6-tools-to-run-kubernetes-locally 61 comments
- GitHub - whalehub/ginstall.sh: A shell script that can install the compiled binaries of CLI tools straight from their GitHub release page. https://github.com/whalehub/ginstall.sh 45 comments
- GitHub - alexellis/k3sup: bootstrap K3s over SSH in < 60s 🚀 https://github.com/alexellis/k3sup 43 comments
- GitHub - krisnova/naml: Convert Kubernetes YAML to Golang https://github.com/kris-nova/yamyams 12 comments
- GitHub - alexellis/k3sup: bootstrap K3s over SSH in < 60s 🚀 https://k3sup.dev 10 comments
- GitHub - joe-elliott/cert-exporter: A Prometheus exporter that publishes cert expirations on disk and in Kubernetes secrets https://github.com/joe-elliott/cert-exporter 10 comments
- A bit of Istio before tea-time https://blog.alexellis.io/a-bit-of-istio-before-tea-time/ 8 comments
- GitHub - krisnova/naml: Convert Kubernetes YAML to Golang https://github.com/kris-nova/naml 8 comments
- Run your own serverless platform. Kubernetes and Openfaas. https://rava-dosa.github.io/2019-09-25-Kubernetes/ 8 comments
- Introducing a New Local Storage for Kubernetes: TopoLVM - Kintone Engineering Blog https://blog.kintone.io/entry/topolvm 6 comments
- GitHub - RyaxTech/ryax: Ryax is an open-source platform that streamlines the design, deployment, and monitoring of your APIs and automations. http://github.com/ryaxtech/ryax 6 comments
- Kubernetes Toolchain Overview · Scorpil https://scorpil.com/post/kubernetes-toolchain-overview/ 3 comments
- Master Kubernetes Pods: Advanced Troubleshooting Strategies https://www.getambassador.io/blog/kubernetes-pods-troubleshooting-advanced-strategies 2 comments
- GitHub - bugout-dev/sauron: Web dashboard for Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret resources https://github.com/simiotics/sauron 1 comment
- Get started with OpenFaaS and KinD https://blog.alexellis.io/get-started-with-openfaas-and-kind/?cache=0 1 comment
- GitHub - adefemi171/terraform-gha: An Infrastructure as Code (IaC) repository to simplify and secure the use of GitHub Actions Runner on Kubernetes Cluster (Local Cluster, AWS, GCP, Azure) https://github.com/adefemi171/terraform-gha 1 comment
- GitHub - google/kube-startup-cpu-boost: Kube Startup CPU Boost is a controller that increases CPU resource requests and limits during Kubernetes workload startup time https://github.com/google/kube-startup-cpu-boost 1 comment
Linked pages
- The Go Programming Language https://golang.org 1096 comments
- Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development https://docker.com 173 comments
- Release History - The Go Programming Language https://golang.org/doc/devel/release#go1.16.minor 133 comments
- How to Write Go Code - The Go Programming Language https://golang.org/doc/code.html 92 comments
- Join Kubernetes on Slack - Community Inviter http://slack.k8s.io/ 4 comments
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