- KotlinX Serialization Release 1.2.0 https://github.com/kotlin/kotlinx.serialization 16 comments kotlin
Linking pages
- GitHub - kotools/types: Explicit types for Kotlin Multiplatform. https://github.com/kotools/types 100 comments
- GitHub - M0Coding/Pokedex: Pokedex - a kotlin multiplatform app, built with Compose multiplatform, Coroutines, Flow, Decompose, MVIKotlin, Koin, Ktor, SqlDelight, and Material 3 based on MVI architecture https://github.com/M0Coding/Pokedex 54 comments
- GitHub - florisboard/florisboard: An open-source keyboard for Android which respects your privacy. Currently in early-beta. https://github.com/florisboard/florisboard 26 comments
- Create a Kotlin/Native Web Server With Ktor and SQLDelight PostgresSQL | by Jonas TM | Nov, 2022 | Better Programming https://medium.com/better-programming/create-a-kotlin-native-web-server-with-ktor-and-sqldelight-postgressql-44485267c340 23 comments
- GitHub - raamcosta/compose-destinations: Annotation processing library for type-safe Jetpack Compose navigation with no boilerplate. https://github.com/raamcosta/compose-destinations 22 comments
- GitHub - pdvrieze/xmlutil: XML Serialization library for Kotlin https://github.com/pdvrieze/xmlutil 16 comments
- Principles of developing applications in Scala https://softwaremill.com/principles-of-developing-applications-in-scala/ 12 comments
- Where "Shift Left" Fails: Type Theater https://www.jacobelder.com/2025/01/31/where-shift-left-fails-type-theater.html 10 comments
- Build a full-stack web app with Kotlin Multiplatform | Kotlin Documentation https://play.kotlinlang.org/hands-on/Full%20Stack%20Web%20App%20with%20Kotlin%20Multiplatform/03_A_Simple_API_Server 9 comments
- Faster Kotlin APIs on AWS Lambda. Forget about 10-second cold starts | by Andrew O'Hara | Mar, 2023 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/faster-kotlin-apis-on-aws-lambda-8694649bf9dd 6 comments
- GitHub - demidko/telegram-storage: A free, 1M records NoSQL cloud database in your Telegram channel https://github.com/demidko/telegram-storage 5 comments
- Effective architecture for Multiplatform native development in Kotlin | by Marcin Moskala | Kt. Academy https://blog.kotlin-academy.com/architecture-for-multiplatform-development-in-kotlin-cc770f4abdfd 3 comments
- GitHub - akuleshov7/ktoml: Multiplatform TOML parser and compile-time serializer/deserializer for Kotlin (Native, JS, JVM) based on KxS https://github.com/akuleshov7/ktoml 3 comments
- GitHub - PatilShreyas/Foodium-KMM: 📱Sample application built to demonstrate the use of Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile for developing Android and iOS applications using Jetpack Compose 🚀. https://github.com/PatilShreyas/Foodium-KMM 3 comments
- Creating a GitHub Action using Kotlin/JS | by Mohitesh | OkCredit | Medium https://medium.com/okcredit/creating-a-github-action-using-kotlin-js-a7c4941ef744 2 comments
- Flutter vs Kotlin: Which is the Best Choice? https://www.spaceo.ca/flutter-vs-kotlin/ 2 comments
- GitHub - maxwellnewage/kotlin-practices: Kit of Kotlin Practices in Intellij Project https://github.com/maxwellnewage/kotlin-practices 2 comments
- A Developerâs Roadmap to Mastering Kotlin Multiplatform https://getstream.io/blog/kotlin-multiplatform-roadmap/ 2 comments
- Getting started with Ktor — Part I: The Basics. | by Luiz Alcides Zytkowski Junior | Medium https://jrthedvlpr.medium.com/all-you-need-to-know-to-get-started-with-ktor-part-i-the-basics-378540d3ab4d 1 comment
- Create a Kotlin/Native Web Server With Ktor and SQLDelight PostgresSQL | by Jonas TM | Nov, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/create-a-kotlin-native-web-server-with-ktor-and-sqldelight-postgressql-44485267c340 1 comment
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