Hacker News
- Mal – Make a Lisp https://github.com/kanaka/mal 40 comments
- Mal – Make a Lisp, implemented in 79 languages https://github.com/kanaka/mal/ 11 comments
- Mal – Make a Lisp, in 68 languages https://github.com/kanaka/mal#mal---make-a-lisp 69 comments
- Make your own Lisp https://github.com/kanaka/mal/ 32 comments
- Make a Lisp https://github.com/kanaka/mal 41 comments
- In what way common-lisp is different from other implementations that mimic its features? https://github.com/kanaka/mal 24 comments lisp
- mal - Make a Lisp -- Mal is an Clojure inspired Lisp interpreter, implemented in 26 different languages. https://github.com/kanaka/mal 10 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x: Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch. https://github.com/danistefanovic/build-your-own-x 528 comments
- GitHub - dundalek/awesome-lisp-languages: A list of Lisp-flavored programming languages https://github.com/dundalek/awesome-lisp-languages 108 comments
- GitHub - aalhour/awesome-compilers: Curated list of awesome resources on Compilers, Interpreters and Runtimes https://github.com/aalhour/awesome-compilers 62 comments
- A crash course in compilers – Increment: Programming Languages https://increment.com/programming-languages/crash-course-in-compilers/ 46 comments
- GitHub - bagnalla/holyc_mal: Mal Lisp for TempleOS https://github.com/bagnalla/holyc_mal 36 comments
- GitHub - ctjhoa/rust-learning: A bunch of links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc for learning Rust https://github.com/ctjhoa/rust-learning 23 comments
- GitHub - AbdesamedBendjeddou/Rusty-CS: A Computer Science Curriculum with Rust flavor! https://github.com/AbdesamedBendjeddou/Rusty-CS 22 comments
- GitHub - kanaka/miniMAL: A Delightfully Diminutive Lisp. Implemented in < 1 KB of JavaScript with JSON source, macros, tail-calls, JS interop, error-handling, and more. https://github.com/kanaka/minimal 22 comments
- GitHub - chr15m/flk: A LISP that runs wherever Bash is https://github.com/chr15m/flk/ 21 comments
- Understanding Rust Through AVL Trees https://francismurillo.github.io/2019-07-31-Understanding-Rust-Through-AVL-Trees/ 15 comments
- GitHub - codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x: Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch. https://github.com/codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x?tab=readme-ov-file 11 comments
- GitHub - alandipert/gherkin: a functional programming language and interpreter written in GNU Bash 4 https://github.com/alandipert/gherkin 10 comments
- Going REPLing with Haskeline | abhinavsarkar.net https://abhinavsarkar.net/posts/repling-with-haskeline/ 7 comments
- GitHub - chr15m/awesome-clojure-likes: Curated list of Clojure-like programming languages. https://github.com/chr15m/awesome-clojure-likes 6 comments
- GitHub - baku89/glisp: A Lisp-based Design Tool Bridging Graphic Design and Computational Arts https://github.com/baku89/glisp 6 comments
- GitHub - oprogramador/github-languages: GitHub languages statistics https://github.com/oprogramador/github-languages 5 comments
- GitHub - igmanthony/zig_comptime_lisp https://github.com/igmanthony/zig_comptime_lisp/ 1 comment
- GitHub - nikitavoloboev/github-stars: Curated list of my GitHub stars https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/github-stars 0 comments
- GitHub - serhii-dolia/roots-of-lisp: Implementation of original Lisp as described in Paul Graham's article "The Roots of Lisp". In Typescript https://github.com/serhii-dolia/roots-of-lisp 0 comments
- GitHub - jsyeo/malady: A lisp that compiles to rubinius bytecode https://github.com/jsyeo/malady 0 comments
Linked pages
- Libera Chat | A next-generation IRC network for FOSS projects collaboration! https://libera.chat 265 comments
- Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere https://nodejs.org 203 comments
- Factor programming language http://factorcode.org 195 comments
- Wasmer - Run, Publish & Deploy any code, anywhere https://wasmer.io/ 161 comments
- pest. The Elegant Parser https://pest.rs 94 comments
- I Built a Lisp Compiler | My Point of View https://mpov.timmorgan.org/i-built-a-lisp-compiler/ 85 comments
- GitHub - bagnalla/holyc_mal: Mal Lisp for TempleOS https://github.com/bagnalla/holyc_mal 36 comments
- Babel · Babel https://babeljs.io/ 31 comments
- http://www.qb64.net/ 27 comments
- GitHub - kanaka/miniMAL: A Delightfully Diminutive Lisp. Implemented in < 1 KB of JavaScript with JSON source, macros, tail-calls, JS interop, error-handling, and more. https://github.com/kanaka/minimal 22 comments
- GitHub - chr15m/flk: A LISP that runs wherever Bash is https://github.com/chr15m/flk/ 21 comments
- GitHub - kanaka/wac: WebAssembly interpreter in C https://github.com/kanaka/wac 14 comments
- GitHub - baku89/glisp: A Lisp-based Design Tool Bridging Graphic Design and Computational Arts https://github.com/baku89/glisp 6 comments
- rhysd (Linda_pp) · GitHub https://github.com/rhysd 3 comments
- GitHub - bytecodealliance/lucet: Lucet, the Sandboxing WebAssembly Compiler. https://github.com/fastly/lucet 1 comment
- Joel Martin: Make Your Own Lisp Interpreter in 10 Incremental Steps Part 1 - λC 2016 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVhupfthTEk 0 comments
- GitHub - bytecodealliance/wasmtime: A fast and secure runtime for WebAssembly https://github.com/cranestation/wasmtime 0 comments
- http://erlang.org/download.html 0 comments
- (glisp) https://baku89.com/glisp/ 0 comments
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