- A Go port of Ruby's dotenv library (Loads environment variables from `.env`.) https://github.com/joho/godotenv 18 comments golang
Linking pages
- Configure your Go Application | Medium https://medium.com/@yksgr/62c0369888bb?amp%3Bsk=b867c8bf6833b14f6b7ae2cb751bf68f&source=friends_link 33 comments
- GitHub - FactoKit/FactoCord: A Factorio bot for Discord built in Golang. https://github.com/FM1337/FactorioCord 29 comments
- GitHub - bruno-chavez/go-microservice-template: Template for Go REST API microservices, includes minimal dependencies, ready to use Dockerfile, graceful shutdown and more! https://github.com/bruno-chavez/go-microservice-template 18 comments
- GitHub - uulwake/godotenvsafe: A package to help you load environment variables safely https://github.com/uulwake/godotenvsafe 13 comments
- GitHub - bruno-chavez/go-microservice-template: Template for Go REST API microservices, includes minimal dependencies, ready to use Dockerfile, graceful shutdown and more! https://github.com/bruno-chavez/go-web-template 11 comments
- GitHub - velopert/gin-rest-api-sample: Golang REST API sample with MariaDB integration using Gin and GORM https://github.com/velopert/gin-rest-api-sample 9 comments
- GitHub - amanbolat/awesome-go-with-stars: Awesome-go list with stars. Automatically updated https://github.com/amanbolat/awesome-go-with-stars 9 comments
- Building a JIRA bot with Golang | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/automate-jira-cloud-workflow-with-golang-2de29828aad6?sk=d9c3055ac6dc9f818678a00a5760accc&source=friends_link 7 comments
- books/12fa-docker-golang at master · titpetric/books · GitHub https://github.com/titpetric/books/tree/master/12fa-docker-golang 6 comments
- Secure Your Api Using Jwt in Golang · schadokar.dev https://schadokar.dev/posts/secure-your-api-using-jwt-in-golang/ 3 comments
- GitHub - haikali3/gymbara-backend https://github.com/haikali3/gymbara-backend 3 comments
- GitHub - oxplot/starenv: starenv allows populating environmental variables from variety of sources, such as AWS Parameter Store, GPG encrypted files and more, with extreme ease. https://github.com/oxplot/starenv 2 comments
- Deploy Go API To Koyeb (Heroku Alternative) https://mblessed.hashnode.dev/deploy-go-api-to-koyeb 2 comments
- Streamline Your Productivity With "Air" | The GoDev Corner https://medium.com/the-godev-corner/streamline-your-productivity-with-air-77c882ba4187 1 comment
- GitHub - GalvinGao/gofiber-template: A production-ready, container-first opinionated gofiber project template. Config by envvars, DI by go.uber.org/fx, Database by uptrace/bun, with out-of-the-box MVC folder structure and CI/CD support. https://github.com/GalvinGao/gofiber-template 1 comment
- Development Roadmap: Power Up Apps With Go Programming Language and Cloud Storage https://www.backblaze.com/blog/development-roadmap-power-up-apps-with-go-programming-language-and-cloud-storage/ 0 comments
- GitHub - sherifabdlnaby/configuro: An opinionated configuration loading framework for Containerized and Cloud-Native applications. https://github.com/sherifabdlnaby/configuro 0 comments
- Introducing envwarden - manage your server secrets with Bitwarden - Gingerlime https://blog.gingerlime.com/2018/introducing-envwarden-manage-your-server-secrets-with-bitwarden/ 0 comments
- GitHub - zztkm/vdotenv: Which loads env vars from a .env file. https://github.com/zztkm/vdotenv 0 comments
- GitHub - mehdihadeli/go-vertical-slice-template: A Golang boilerplate template, based on Vertical Slice Architecture and CQRS pattern with using Echo, Gorm, Zap, Viper, MediatR for CQRS and sarulabs/di for Dependency Injection. https://github.com/mehdihadeli/go-vertical-slice-template 0 comments
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