- Remove newline at end of file in specific major-mode https://github.com/joaotavora/yasnippet 6 comments emacs
Linking pages
- GitHub - manateelazycat/lsp-bridge: A blazingly fast LSP client for Emacs https://github.com/manateelazycat/lsp-bridge 167 comments
- GitHub - emacs-evil/evil-collection: A set of keybindings for evil-mode https://github.com/jojojames/evil-collection 67 comments
- GitHub - emacs-evil/evil-collection: A set of keybindings for evil-mode https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection 57 comments
- GitHub - MiniApollo/kickstart.emacs: A starting point for Gnu Emacs with good defaults and packages that most people may want to use. https://github.com/MiniApollo/kickstart.emacs 45 comments
- Efficient LaTeX Editing With Emacs - Michael https://michaelneuper.com/posts/efficient-latex-editing-with-emacs/ 43 comments
- GitHub - p3r7/awesome-elisp: 🏵️ A curated list of Emacs Lisp development resources https://github.com/p3r7/awesome-elisp 40 comments
- GitHub - zbelial/lspce: LSP Client for Emacs implemented as a module using rust. https://github.com/zbelial/lspce 38 comments
- Why I Chose Emacs as My New Text Editor // Take on Rules https://takeonrules.com/2020/10/18/why-i-chose-emacs-as-my-new-text-editor/ 34 comments
- Rediscovering vanilla Emacs' text editing | Barracuda Blues https://bendersteed.gitlab.io/post/rediscovering-vanilla-emacs-text-editing/ 32 comments
- GitHub - emacs-tw/awesome-emacs: A community driven list of useful Emacs packages, libraries and other items. https://github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs 24 comments
- Advanced Python Development Workflow in Emacs | Serghei's Blog https://blog.serghei.pl/posts/emacs-python-ide 18 comments
- From Zero To IDE with Emacs and LSP · Justin Barclay https://justinbarclay.ca/posts/from-zero-to-ide-with-emacs-and-lsp/ 14 comments
- GitHub - et2010/org-edit-latex: Edit LaTeX fragments like editing src blocks https://github.com/et2010/org-edit-latex 12 comments
- GitHub - facetframer/zshnip: A snippet system for zsh. Create new snippets as you go https://github.com/facetframer/zshnip 7 comments
- Using Emacs - 13 - Yasnippet - C'est la Z http://cestlaz.github.io/posts/using-emacs-13-yasnippet/#.v6ozc-vomrw.reddit 6 comments
- GitHub - Xaldew/yasnippet-radical-snippets: A collection of radical Yasnippets https://github.com/Xaldew/yasnippet-radical-snippets 5 comments
- Using Org Mode With Hugo · weblog.masukomi.org https://weblog.masukomi.org/2024/07/19/using-org-mode-with-hugo/ 5 comments
- Perl I never write: snippets - DEV Community https://dev.to/jplindstrom/perl-i-never-write-snippets-3ae0 4 comments
- GitHub - MatthewZMD/.emacs.d: M-EMACS, a full-featured GNU Emacs configuration distribution https://github.com/MatthewZMD/.emacs.d#company 4 comments
- GitHub - naiquevin/axy: Utlity to expand yasnippet snippets from anywhere in emacs https://github.com/naiquevin/axy 4 comments
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