- easysession.el - Easily persist and restore your Emacs editing sessions (Release 1.1.2) https://github.com/jamescherti/easysession.el 4 comments emacs
- easysession.el: Easily persist and restore your Emacs editing sessions (Release 1.1.1) https://github.com/jamescherti/easysession.el 12 comments emacs
- Easily persist and restore your Emacs editing sessions with easysession.el https://github.com/jamescherti/easysession.el 19 comments emacs
Linking pages
- GitHub - jamescherti/minimal-emacs.d: minimal-emacs.d - Better Vanilla Emacs Defaults and Optimized Startup https://github.com/jamescherti/minimal-emacs.d 60 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/compile-angel.el: Speed up Emacs: Auto Byte/Native-Compile all Elisp files (Alternative to: auto-compile) https://github.com/jamescherti/compile-angel.el 47 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/tomorrow-night-deepblue-theme.el: Emacs Theme: Tomorrow-Night-Deepblue https://github.com/jamescherti/tomorrow-night-deepblue-theme.el 20 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/outline-indent.el: Outline-indent: Folding text based on indentation (Alternative to origami and yafolding) https://github.com/jamescherti/outline-indent.el 17 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/buffer-terminator.el: buffer-terminator: Automatically Terminate Inactive Emacs Buffers https://github.com/jamescherti/buffer-terminator.el 16 comments
- easysession.el – Easily persist and restore your Emacs editing sessions | James Cherti https://www.jamescherti.com/easysession-el-persist-restore-emacs-session/ 4 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/flymake-bashate.el: A Flymake backend for bashate (a Bash style checker) https://github.com/jamescherti/flymake-bashate.el 0 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/flymake-ansible-lint.el: A Flymake backend for ansible-lint https://github.com/jamescherti/flymake-ansible-lint.el 0 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/ultyas: Convert Ultisnips snippets to YASnippet format https://github.com/jamescherti/ultyas 0 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/enhanced-evil-paredit.el: Emacs: Improved Paredit support with Evil keybindings (maintained fork of evil-paredit, available on MELPA). https://github.com/jamescherti/enhanced-evil-paredit.el 0 comments
Linked pages
- MELPA https://melpa.org/#/hl-prog-extra 122 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/minimal-emacs.d: minimal-emacs.d - Better Vanilla Emacs Defaults and Optimized Startup https://github.com/jamescherti/minimal-emacs.d 60 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/compile-angel.el: Speed up Emacs: Auto Byte/Native-Compile all Elisp files (Alternative to: auto-compile) https://github.com/jamescherti/compile-angel.el 47 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/tomorrow-night-deepblue-theme.el: Emacs Theme: Tomorrow-Night-Deepblue https://github.com/jamescherti/tomorrow-night-deepblue-theme.el 20 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/outline-indent.el: Outline-indent: Folding text based on indentation (Alternative to origami and yafolding) https://github.com/jamescherti/outline-indent.el 17 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/vim-tab-bar.el: Make the Emacs tab-bar Look Like Vim’s Tab Bar https://github.com/jamescherti/vim-tab-bar.el 6 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/dir-config.el: dir-config.el - Automatically find and load the .dir-config.el Elisp file https://github.com/jamescherti/dir-config.el 6 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/elispcomp: Byte/Native Compile Elisp Code from the Command-Line https://github.com/jamescherti/elispcomp 5 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/inhibit-mouse.el: Disable the mouse in Emacs https://github.com/jamescherti/inhibit-mouse.el 2 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/flymake-bashate.el: A Flymake backend for bashate (a Bash style checker) https://github.com/jamescherti/flymake-bashate.el 0 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/flymake-ansible-lint.el: A Flymake backend for ansible-lint https://github.com/jamescherti/flymake-ansible-lint.el 0 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/ultyas: Convert Ultisnips snippets to YASnippet format https://github.com/jamescherti/ultyas 0 comments
- GitHub - jamescherti/enhanced-evil-paredit.el: Emacs: Improved Paredit support with Evil keybindings (maintained fork of evil-paredit, available on MELPA). https://github.com/jamescherti/enhanced-evil-paredit.el 0 comments
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