- Active fork of superstruct? https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/superstruct 8 comments typescript
- A simple and composable way to validate data in Javascript. https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/superstruct 4 comments node
- superstruct — A simple and composable way to validate data in Javascript. https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/superstruct 4 comments javascript
Linking pages
- GitHub - sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs: :zap: Delightful Node.js packages and resources https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs 39 comments
- GitHub - philipnilsson/bueno: Composable validators for forms, API:s in TypeScript https://github.com/philipnilsson/bueno#quickstart 21 comments
- Typescript Runtime Validators and DX, a type-checking performance analysis of zod/superstruct/yup/typebox - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 https://dev.to/nicklucas/typescript-runtime-validators-and-dx-a-type-checking-performance-analysis-of-zodsuperstructyuptypebox-5416 19 comments
- GitHub - thoughtspile/banditypes: The mighty 400-byte schema validator for JS https://github.com/thoughtspile/banditypes 16 comments
- 28 Amazing Open Source JavaScript Projects for the Past Year (v.2018) | by Mybridge | Mybridge for Professionals https://medium.com/@mybridge/amazing-javascript-projects-for-the-past-year-v-2018-2f114c6bd70a 9 comments
- GitHub - react-hook-form/react-hook-form: 📋 React Hooks for form state management and validation (Web + React Native) https://github.com/bluebill1049/react-hook-form 5 comments
- How I made banditypes, the smallest TS validation library https://blog.thoughtspile.tech/2023/03/02/banditypes-smallest-validation/ 3 comments
- @hookform/resolvers - npm https://www.npmjs.com/package/@hookform/resolvers 2 comments
- GitHub - brielov/typed: Fast, tiny and type-safe runtime validation library. https://github.com/brielov/typed 0 comments
- GitHub - skarab42/riux: 📦 Fully typed and immutable store made on top of Immer with mutation, action, subscription and validation! https://github.com/skarab42/riux 0 comments
- GitHub - DavidWells/types-with-jsdocs: Using JSDoc for Typescript Types https://github.com/DavidWells/types-with-jsdocs 0 comments
Linked pages
- Go by Example: Structs https://gobyexample.com/structs 45 comments
- GitHub - mafintosh/is-my-json-valid: A JSONSchema validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast https://github.com/mafintosh/is-my-json-valid/ 11 comments
- GitHub - validatorjs/validator.js: String validation https://github.com/chriso/validator.js 9 comments
- TypeScript: Handbook - Basic Types https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/basic-types.html 6 comments
- GitHub - ajv-validator/ajv: The fastest JSON schema Validator. Supports JSON Schema draft-04/06/07/2019-09/2020-12 and JSON Type Definition (RFC8927) https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv 3 comments
- Schemas and Types | GraphQL https://graphql.org/learn/schema/ 1 comment
- GitHub - hapijs/joi: The most powerful data validation library for JS https://github.com/hapijs/joi 0 comments
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