- GitHub - hasinhayder/hydra: Hydra is a zero-config API boilerplate with Laravel 9x + Laravel Sanctum that comes with an excellent user and role management API out of the box https://github.com/hasinhayder/hydra 3 comments programming
Linked pages
- GitHub - laravel/pint: Laravel Pint is an opinionated PHP code style fixer for minimalists. https://github.com/laravel/pint 20 comments
- Indentation style - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indentation_style#Brace_placement_in_compound_statements 18 comments
- http://localhost:8000 13 comments
- Laravel Sail - Laravel 9.x - The PHP Framework For Web Artisans https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/sail#configuring-a-shell-alias 3 comments