Hacker News
Linking pages
- The yaml document from hell https://ruudvanasseldonk.com/2023/01/11/the-yaml-document-from-hell 670 comments
- The Cult of Kubernetes - Xe Iaso https://christine.website/blog/the-cult-of-kubernetes-2019-09-07 377 comments
- GitHub - alash3al/sqler: write APIs using direct SQL queries with no hassle, let's rethink about SQL https://github.com/alash3al/sqler 79 comments
- GitHub - alecthomas/participle: A parser library for Go https://github.com/alecthomas/participle 55 comments
- GitHub - sbdchd/neoformat: :sparkles: A (Neo)vim plugin for formatting code. https://github.com/sbdchd/neoformat 51 comments
- GitHub - srevinsaju/togomak: A declarative pipeline orchestrator with the magic of HCL as a configuration language, inspired from Terraform's architecture. https://github.com/srevinsaju/togomak 28 comments
- GitHub - lapce/tiron: Reasonable Automation Engine https://github.com/lapce/tiron 21 comments
- Querying AWS at scale across APIs, Regions, and accounts | AWS Open Source Blog https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/querying-aws-at-scale-across-apis-regions-and-accounts/ 18 comments
- GitHub - daidokoro/qaz: qaz—A CLI tool for Templating & Managing stacks in AWS Cloudformation https://github.com/daidokoro/qaz 13 comments
- Forget Thrones, Welcome the Game of Smart Contracts 🚀 | by Paul Razvan Berg | Medium https://medium.com/@PaulRBerg/forget-thrones-welcome-the-game-of-smart-contracts-cf4fad9e0489 12 comments
- Creating Terraform-like configuration languages with HCL and Go - DEV Community https://dev.to/rotemtam/creating-terraform-like-configuration-languages-with-hcl-and-go-243l 7 comments
- Pulumi vs. Terraform — Hypergrowth in the Valley | by Whoisjohngalt | FAUN Publication https://medium.com/faun/pulumi-vs-terraform-hypergrowth-in-the-valley-f8e53cb0a263 5 comments
- Faster than Jsonnet, CUE, and HCL, We Made Another Configuration Programming Language | by Peefy | Mar, 2023 | Medium https://medium.com/@xpf6677/faster-than-jsonnet-cue-and-hcl-we-made-another-configuration-programming-language-c0a952905f81 5 comments
- Provisioning Kubernetes clusters on GCP with Terraform and GKE https://learnk8s.io/terraform-gke 4 comments
- Pulumi. AWS VPC and Fargate configuration | by Ipeacocks | Medium https://medium.com/@_ipeacocks/pulumi-vpc-and-fargate-configuration-fd60f1b053ea 4 comments
- A complete Terraform setup of a serverless application on Google Cloud Run and Firebase https://threedots.tech/post/complete-setup-of-serverless-application/ 3 comments
- Driving Kubernetes Forward with Lokomotive | Kinvolk https://kinvolk.io/blog/2019/05/driving-kubernetes-forward-with-lokomotive/ 3 comments
- Provisioning Kubernetes clusters on AWS with Terraform and EKS https://learnk8s.io/terraform-eks 3 comments
- GitHub - mineiros-io/terramate: Terramate is a tool for managing multiple Terraform stacks with support for change detection and code generation. https://github.com/mineiros-io/terramate 3 comments
- GitHub - openpixel/rise: A powerful text interpolation tool. https://github.com/OpenPixel/rise 2 comments
Linked pages
- GitHub - vstakhov/libucl: Universal configuration library parser https://github.com/vstakhov/libucl 52 comments
- Terraform by HashiCorp http://www.terraform.io/ 51 comments
- Beginner’s Guide http://nginx.org/en/docs/beginners_guide.html 16 comments
- apparentlymart (Martin Atkins) · GitHub https://github.com/apparentlymart 1 comment
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Search title: GitHub - hashicorp/hcl: HCL is the HashiCorp configuration language.
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