Hacker News
- I just learned about rlwrap, that can let your read commands be readline enabled with history and filename completion. (Tip) https://github.com/hanslub42/rlwrap 4 comments bash
Linking pages
- A Road to Common Lisp / Steve Losh https://stevelosh.com/blog/2018/08/a-road-to-common-lisp/ 489 comments
- Entering text in the terminal is complicated https://jvns.ca/blog/2024/07/08/readline/ 243 comments
- GitHub - andyk/ht: headless terminal - wrap any binary with a terminal interface for easy programmatic access. https://github.com/andyk/ht 86 comments
- GitHub - traefik/yaegi: Yaegi is Another Elegant Go Interpreter https://github.com/containous/yaegi 77 comments
- GitHub - ryukinix/lisp-chat: An experimental minimal chat written in Common Lisp http://www.github.com/ryukinix/lisp-chat 46 comments
- GitHub - false-schemers/skint: Cheap and fast R7RS Scheme interpreter https://github.com/false-schemers/skint 11 comments
- GitHub - thomasballinger/rlundo: undo in any program that uses readline https://github.com/thomasballinger/rlundo 10 comments
- nasmjf Forth - ratfactor http://ratfactor.com/nasmjf/index 5 comments
- GitHub - candid82/joker: Small Clojure interpreter, linter and formatter. https://github.com/candid82/joker 4 comments
- GitHub - ul/sound-garden: A personal journey into the audio synth domain https://github.com/ul/sound-garden 4 comments
- GitHub - yuriy-chumak/ol: Otus Lisp (Ol in short) is a purely* functional dialect of Lisp. https://github.com/yuriy-chumak/ol 2 comments
- GitHub - AmineZouitine/Cpad: 📝 Do you use several commands in your terminal, one after the other? This tool allows you to combine multiple templated bash commands with the alias of your choice and many others. https://github.com/AmineZouitine/Cpad 2 comments
- GitHub - athos/trenchman: A standalone nREPL/prepl client written in Go and heavily inspired by Grenchman https://github.com/athos/trenchman 2 comments
- Developing Common Lisp using GNU Screen, Rlwrap, and Vim — blog.djha.skin https://blog.djha.skin/blog/developing-common-lisp-using-gnu-screen-rlwrap-and-vim/ 1 comment
- GitHub - Zeta611/polycalc: Polynomial Calculator https://github.com/Zeta611/polycalc 1 comment
- GitHub - utkarshkukreti/apl-inputrc: Easier way to input APL symbols in GNU APL (or other interactive command line programs). https://github.com/utkarshkukreti/apl-inputrc 1 comment
- DigitalOcean App Platform: Database Migrations https://tonitalksdev.com/digitalocean-app-platform-database-migrations 1 comment
- GitHub - mayerrobert/jmurmel: A standalone or embeddable JVM based interpreter/ compiler for Murmel, a single-namespace Lisp dialect inspired by Common Lisp https://github.com/mayerrobert/jmurmel 1 comment
- GitHub - nachivpn/grest: Stateless REPL utility to run gremlin queries over HTTP on Neo4j https://github.com/nachivpn/grest 0 comments
- Add a REPL to any CLI tool | Misha Brukman https://misha.brukman.net/blog/2020/04/add-a-repl-to-any-cli-tool/ 0 comments
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