Hacker News
- Comprehensive Rust: course used by the Android team at Google https://github.com/google/comprehensive-rust 72 comments
Linking pages
- GitHub - ivanceras/svgbob: Convert your ascii diagram scribbles into happy little SVG https://github.com/ivanceras/svgbob 82 comments
- GitHub - gbdev/gb-asm-tutorial: Learn to create games for the Game Boy using Assembly https://github.com/gbdev/gb-asm-tutorial 0 comments
- Getting Started with Rust - by David Solé https://newsletter.davidsoleinh.com/p/getting-started-with-rust 0 comments
Linked pages
- Welcome to Comprehensive Rust 🦀 - Comprehensive Rust 🦀 https://google.github.io/comprehensive-rust/ 340 comments
- http://localhost:3000/ 81 comments
- GitHub - rust-lang/mdBook: Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook 57 comments
- Google Online Security Blog: Scaling Rust Adoption Through Training https://security.googleblog.com/2023/09/scaling-rust-adoption-through-training.html 32 comments
- Teaching Rust in 5 days https://mo8it.com/blog/teaching-rust 8 comments
- rustup.rs - The Rust toolchain installer https://www.rustup.rs/ 0 comments
- Welcome - Comprehensive Rust 🦀 https://google.github.io/comprehensive-rust/bare-metal.html 0 comments
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