- Video SDK that allows you to build video calling and audio room with Jetpack Compose based on WebRTC https://github.com/getStream/stream-video-android 2 comments androiddev
Linking pages
- GitHub - GetStream/meeting-room-compose: 🎙️ A real-time meeting room app built with Jetpack Compose to demonstrate video communications. https://github.com/GetStream/meeting-room-compose 4 comments
- GitHub - GetStream/liveshopping-android: 📹 A demo app showcasing real-time livestreaming and messaging capabilities built with Jetpack Compose and Stream SDKs. https://github.com/getstream/liveshopping-android 0 comments
- GitHub - GetStream/ai-chat-android: 💬 AI Chat Bot demo app showcasing the integration of Gemini SDK with Firebase Realtime Database for real-time chat functionality. https://github.com/GetStream/ai-chat-android 0 comments
Linked pages
- Scalable Feeds & Chat - Powerful APIs and Components by Stream https://getstream.io/ 16 comments
- Stream raises $38M as its chat and activity feed APIs power communications for 1B users | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2021/03/04/stream-raises-38m-as-its-chat-and-activity-feed-apis-power-communications-for-1b-users/ 0 comments