- Renders page using Chrome Debugging Protocol (CDP). Extracts CSS used to render the page. Renders HTML with the blocking CSS made asynchronous. Inlines the critical CSS. https://github.com/gajus/usus 5 comments webdev
Linking pages
- Pre-rendering SPA for SEO and improved perceived page loading speed | by Gajus Kuizinas | Medium https://medium.com/@gajus/pre-rendering-spa-for-seo-and-improved-perceived-page-loading-speed-47075aa16d24 25 comments
- Reducing CSS bundle size 70% by cutting the class names and using scope isolation | by Gajus Kuizinas | We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news | Medium https://medium.com/@gajus/reducing-css-bundle-size-70-by-cutting-the-class-names-and-using-scope-isolation-625440de600b 20 comments
- Reducing CSS bundle size 70% by cutting the class names and using scope isolation | by Gajus Kuizinas | We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news | Medium https://medium.com/@gajus/reducing-css-bundle-size-70-by-cutting-the-class-names-and-using-scope-isolation-625440de600b 20 comments
- Reducing CSS bundle size 70% by cutting the class names and using scope isolation https://medium.freecodecamp.org/reducing-css-bundle-size-70-by-cutting-the-class-names-and-using-scope-isolation-625440de600b 4 comments
Linked pages
- Google Chrome - The Fast & Secure Web Browser Built to be Yours https://www.google.com/chrome/ 2008 comments
- Prerender Seamlessly Renders JavaScript for Faster Indexing https://prerender.io 236 comments
- Getting Started with Headless Chrome - Chrome Developers https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/headless-chrome 160 comments
- GitHub - uncss/uncss: Remove unused styles from CSS https://github.com/giakki/uncss 117 comments
- Pre-rendering SPA for SEO and improved perceived page loading speed | by Gajus Kuizinas | Medium https://medium.com/@gajus/pre-rendering-spa-for-seo-and-improved-perceived-page-loading-speed-47075aa16d24 25 comments
- GitHub - pocketjoso/penthouse: Generate critical css for your web pages https://github.com/pocketjoso/penthouse 18 comments
- GitHub - addyosmani/critical: Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS in HTML pages https://github.com/addyosmani/critical 11 comments
- GitHub - GoogleChrome/rendertron: A Headless Chrome rendering solution https://github.com/GoogleChrome/rendertron 3 comments
- GitHub - css/csso: CSS minifier with structural optimizations https://github.com/css/csso 0 comments
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