- DIAMOND (DIffusion As a Model Of eNvironment Dreams) is a reinforcement learning agent trained in a diffusion world model https://github.com/eloialonso/diamond 2 comments reinforcementlearning
Linked pages
- Installing Miniconda — Anaconda documentation https://docs.anaconda.com/free/miniconda/miniconda-install/ 28 comments
- Weights & Biases: The AI Developer Platform http://wandb.ai/ 23 comments
- GitHub - google-research/rliable: [NeurIPS'21 Outstanding Paper] Library for reliable evaluation on RL and ML benchmarks, even with only a handful of seeds. https://github.com/google-research/rliable 8 comments
- GitHub - pytorch/pytorch: Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch 1 comment
- venv â Creation of virtual environments — Python 3.13.1 documentation https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html#module-venv 0 comments
- GitHub - facebookresearch/hydra: Hydra is a framework for elegantly configuring complex applications https://github.com/facebookresearch/hydra 0 comments
- GitHub - crowsonkb/k-diffusion: Karras et al. (2022) diffusion models for PyTorch https://github.com/crowsonkb/k-diffusion 0 comments