Hacker News
- A list of PostgreSQL libraries, tools and resources https://github.com/dhamaniasad/awesome-postgres 28 comments
- Awesome Postgres – a curated list of PostgreSQL libraries, tools and resources https://github.com/dhamaniasad/awesome-postgres 21 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge: A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more. https://github.com/trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge 278 comments
- GitHub - sindresorhus/awesome: 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome 69 comments
- GitHub - bayandin/awesome-awesomeness: A curated list of awesome awesomeness https://github.com/bayandin/awesome-awesomeness 66 comments
- GitHub - vinta/awesome-python: A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources https://github.com/vinta/awesome-python 38 comments
- GitHub - jnv/lists: The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub and elsewhere https://github.com/jnv/lists 28 comments
- Postgres...as an App? > Ying Wang https://bytes.yingw787.com/posts/2020/06/15/postgres_as_app_1/ 20 comments
- GitHub - trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge: A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more. https://github.com/trimstray/awesome-ninja-admins 10 comments
- GitHub - iLabAcademy/the-book-of-secret-knowledge: A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more. https://github.com/iLabAcademy/the-book-of-secret-knowledge 4 comments
- GitHub - cuuupid/awesome-lists: A curated list of curated lists. https://github.com/cuuupid/awesome-lists 1 comment
- GitHub - simonebrunozzi/open-guide-to-learning-tech-geek-nerdy-stuff: A list of resources to learn geek/tech/nerdy related topics, e.g. programming languages, android development, math, korean language https://github.com/simonebrunozzi/open-guide-to-learning-tech-geek-nerdy-stuff#miscellaneous 0 comments
- GitHub - trackawesomelist/trackawesomelist: Track 500+ Awesome List Updates, Track it - not just star it! https://github.com/trackawesomelist/trackawesomelist 0 comments
Linked pages
- PostgreSQL: The world's most advanced open source database https://www.postgresql.org/ 903 comments
- Why use Postgres (Updated for last 5 years) - Craig Kerstiens http://www.craigkerstiens.com/2017/04/30/why-postgres-five-years-later/ 370 comments
- PostgreSQL Exercises http://pgexercises.com 354 comments
- GitHub - porsager/postgres: Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js, Deno, Bun and CloudFlare https://github.com/porsager/postgres 309 comments
- Tricking PostgresSQL into Using 200x Faster Query Plan https://spacelift.io/blog/tricking-postgres-into-using-query-plan 281 comments
- Kiwi IRC http://webchat.freenode.net 278 comments
- GitHub - PostgREST/postgrest: REST API for any Postgres database https://github.com/PostgREST/postgrest 274 comments
- DBeaver Community | Free Universal Database Tool https://dbeaver.io/ 257 comments
- Hosted PostgreSQL - Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL - AWS http://aws.amazon.com/rds/postgresql/ 242 comments
- Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL documentation | Google Cloud https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/postgres/ 237 comments
- Postico 2 https://eggerapps.at/postico/ 216 comments
- Worry-Free Managed Database Hosting (DBaaS) | DigitalOcean https://www.digitalocean.com/products/managed-databases/ 212 comments
- TablePlus | Modern, Native Tool for Database Management https://tableplus.com/ 190 comments
- PGStrom - PostgreSQL wiki https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/pgstrom 180 comments
- Postgres.app – the easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac https://postgresapp.com/ 164 comments
- Metabase | Business Intelligence, Dashboards, and Data Visualization http://www.metabase.com/ 151 comments
- pgAdmin - PostgreSQL Tools https://www.pgadmin.org/ 143 comments
- The SQL Editor and Database Manager Of Your Dreams | Beekeeper Studio https://www.beekeeperstudio.io/ 132 comments
- DataGrip: The Cross-Platform IDE for Databases & SQL by JetBrains https://www.jetbrains.com/datagrip/ 127 comments
- PSequel, a PostgreSQL GUI Tool for macOS http://www.psequel.com/ 111 comments