Hacker News
Linking pages
- RESTful DOOM http://1amstudios.com/2017/08/01/restful-doom/ 109 comments
- GitHub - farfalleflickan/cmyflix: cmyflix, a Netflix clone! https://github.com/farfalleflickan/cmyflix 66 comments
- GitHub - fffaraz/awesome-cpp: A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. https://github.com/fffaraz/awesome-cpp 38 comments
- GitHub - OUIsolutions/CWebStudio: An Modern Reactive C Web Server https://github.com/OUIsolutions/CWebStudio 32 comments
- Practical Design Patterns: Opaque Pointers and Objects in C | Interrupt https://interrupt.memfault.com/blog/opaque-pointers 30 comments
- GitHub - cjhead/cbpro: A Coinbase/CoinbasePro API integration written in C https://github.com/cjhead/cbpro 18 comments
- GitHub - OUIsolutions/Darwin: A Boostrapped lua Compiler https://github.com/OUIsolutions/Darwin 10 comments
- GitHub - wojciech-graj/C-Raytracer: A CPU raytracer from scratch in C https://github.com/wojciech-graj/c-raytracer 9 comments
- GitHub - codenamecpp/carnage3d: Reimplementation of Grand Theft Auto 1 [GTA1] https://github.com/codenamecpp/carnage3d#controls 8 comments
- GitHub - miloyip/nativejson-benchmark: C/C++ JSON parser/generator benchmark https://github.com/miloyip/nativejson-benchmark 6 comments
- GitHub - nemuelw/cjson-rs: Rust bindings for the cJSON library https://github.com/nemuelw/cjson-rs 4 comments
- GitHub - OUIsolutions/CAmalgamator: A C amalgamate cli https://github.com/OUIsolutions/CAmalgamator 4 comments
- GitHub - OUIsolutions/DoTheWorld: An Single Header C/C++ library to work with dirs and files https://github.com/OUIsolutions/DoTheWorld 3 comments
- GitHub - liufeigit/jsonParse: A simple and fast JSON parser in ANSI C https://github.com/liufeigit/jsonParse 1 comment
- GitHub - vkoskiv/c-ray: c-ray is a small, simple path tracer written in C https://github.com/vkoskiv/c-ray 0 comments
- GitHub - jeff-1amstudios/restful-doom: HTTP+JSON API hosted inside the 1993 DOOM engine! https://github.com/jeff-1amstudios/restful-doom/ 0 comments
- Light jailbreaking: exploiting Tuya IoT devices for fun and profit | rb9 https://rb9.nl/posts/2022-03-29-light-jailbreaking-exploiting-tuya-iot-devices/ 0 comments
- GitHub - ADD-SP/ngx_waf: Handy, High performance, ModSecurity compatible Nginx firewall module & 方便、高性能、兼容 ModSecurity 的 Nginx 防火墙模块 https://github.com/ADD-SP/ngx_waf 0 comments
- GitHub - tobozo/YAMLDuino: YAML <=> JSON converter for ESP32, ESP8266, RP2040 and possibly other devices https://github.com/tobozo/YAMLDuino 0 comments
- GitHub - Gibus21250/Wakupator: WoL Server Manager using IP spoofing for good cause https://github.com/Gibus21250/Wakupator 0 comments
Linked pages
- GitHub - microsoft/vcpkg: C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg 50 comments
- JSON https://www.json.org 20 comments
- JSON: The Fat-Free Alternative to XML http://www.json.org/fatfree.html 10 comments
- UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer — Clang 17.0.0git documentation http://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html 9 comments
- SafeStack — Clang 16.0.0git documentation http://clang.llvm.org/docs/SafeStack.html 3 comments
- Valgrind Home https://valgrind.org/ 0 comments
- AddressSanitizer · google/sanitizers Wiki · GitHub https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/AddressSanitizer 0 comments
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