Hacker News
- Soft-serve: A tasty, self-hostable Git server for the command line https://github.com/charmbracelet/soft-serve 61 comments
- Soft Serve – Self-hostable Git server for the command line https://github.com/charmbracelet/soft-serve 2 comments
- Soft Serve: A self-hosted Git server for the command line https://github.com/charmbracelet/soft-serve 9 comments
- Soft-serve: A tasty, self-hosted Git server for the command line https://github.com/charmbracelet/soft-serve 10 comments vcs
- Soft Serve: a self-hostable Git server for the command line. https://github.com/charmbracelet/soft-serve 10 comments selfhosted
- Soft-Serve: a self-hostable git server with a built in SSH interface, made for the command line https://github.com/charmbracelet/soft-serve 6 comments commandline
- Soft-Serve: a self-hostable git server with a built in SSH interface, made for the command line https://github.com/charmbracelet/soft-serve 14 comments golang
Linking pages
- GitHub - rothgar/awesome-tuis: List of projects that provide terminal user interfaces https://github.com/rothgar/awesome-tuis 207 comments
- GitHub - charmbracelet/bubbletea: A powerful little TUI framework 🏗 https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea 202 comments
- The Next Generation of the Command Line https://charm.sh/blog/the-next-generation/ 145 comments
- GitHub - mikeroyal/Self-Hosting-Guide: Self-Hosting Guide. Learn all about locally hosting (on premises & private web servers) and managing software applications by yourself or your organization. Including Cloud, LLMs, WireGuard, Automation, Home Assistant, and Networking. https://github.com/mikeroyal/Self-Hosting-Guide 108 comments
- GitHub - toolleeo/cli-apps: The largest Awesome Curated list of CLI/TUI applications with source data organized into CSV files https://github.com/toolleeo/cli-apps 32 comments
- Self-hosted Soft Serve https://charm.sh/blog/self-hosted-soft-serve/ 18 comments
- GitHub - charmbracelet/wish: Make SSH apps, just like that! 💫 https://github.com/charmbracelet/wish 17 comments
- mash-playbook/supported-services.md at main · mother-of-all-self-hosting/mash-playbook · GitHub https://github.com/mother-of-all-self-hosting/mash-playbook/blob/main/docs/supported-services.md 13 comments
- Soft Serve now supports Git LFS and More! https://charm.sh/blog/soft-serve-git-lfs-support/ 5 comments
- GitHub - ChausseBenjamin/termpicker: A color picker for the terminal https://github.com/ChausseBenjamin/termpicker 2 comments
- alwaysdata | blog » Hold On to Your Socks: High-Speed Data Stream Hosting with Websockets https://blog.alwaysdata.com/2023/03/14/hold-on-to-your-socks-high-speed-data-stream-hosting-with-websockets/ 1 comment
- awesome-stars/topics.md at master · maguowei/awesome-stars · GitHub https://github.com/maguowei/awesome-stars/blob/master/topics.md 0 comments
- Kuration #37 Prompting Techniques for Solving Difficult & Multi-Step Problems https://www.kuration.email/p/kuration-37-prompting-techniques 0 comments
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