Hacker News
- What is your favourite task queuing framework? https://github.com/celery/celery 74 comments python
- 5 background scheduling libraries in Python you must know https://github.com/celery/celery 2 comments python
Linking pages
- GitHub - jobrunr/jobrunr: An extremely easy way to perform background processing in Java. Backed by persistent storage. Open and free for commercial use. https://github.com/jobrunr/jobrunr 84 comments
- GitHub - nickjj/docker-django-example: A production ready example Django app that's using Docker and Docker Compose. https://github.com/nickjj/docker-django-example 49 comments
- Diagnosing Memory “Leaks” in Python - Chase Seibert Blog http://chase-seibert.github.io/blog/2013/08/03/diagnosing-memory-leaks-python.html 30 comments
- GitHub - nickjj/docker-flask-example: A production ready example Flask app that's using Docker and Docker Compose. https://github.com/nickjj/docker-flask-example 17 comments
- GitHub - huangsam/ultimate-python: Ultimate Python study guide for newcomers and professionals alike. https://github.com/huangsam/ultimate-python 16 comments
- Why Learn Python Concurrency - Super Fast Python https://superfastpython.com/why-learn-python-concurrency/ 6 comments
- GitHub - humiaozuzu/awesome-flask: A curated list of awesome Flask resources and plugins https://github.com/humiaozuzu/awesome-flask 6 comments
- GitHub - wsvincent/awesome-django: A curated list of awesome things related to Django https://github.com/wsvincent/awesome-django 5 comments
- GitHub - celery/django-celery-beat: Celery Periodic Tasks backed by the Django ORM https://github.com/celery/django-celery-beat 4 comments
- GitHub - bomquote/transistor: Transistor, a Python web scraping framework for intelligent use cases. https://github.com/bomquote/transistor 3 comments
- GitHub - silverbackhq/silverback: 🧬 A Status and Incident Communication Tool (Beta Version). https://github.com/silverbackhq/silverback 3 comments
- GitHub - st3v3nmw/awesome-django-performance: A curated list of libraries, tools, blog articles, and books to help profile and optimize your Django project https://github.com/st3v3nmw/awesome-django-performance 2 comments
- HTTP 429 Too Many Requests: Learn to Manage Request Limits | Zuplo Blog https://zuplo.com/blog/2024/10/08/http-429-too-many-requests-guide 2 comments
- Best Practices for Maintainers | Open Source Guides https://opensource.guide/best-practices/ 1 comment
- Netflix Open Sources ConsoleMe to Manage Permissions and Access on AWS https://www.infoq.com/news/2021/04/netflix-consoleme-aws/ 1 comment
- Five Common Django Mistakes | LAAC Technology https://www.laac.dev/blog/five-common-django-mistakes/ 1 comment
- GitHub - percolate/redset: A Redis-backed sorted set useful for coordinating distributed work. https://github.com/percolate/redset 0 comments
- Snakefooding Python Code For Complexity Visualization | GrokCode http://www.grokcode.com/864/snakefooding-python-code-for-complexity-visualization/ 0 comments
- GitHub - ml-tooling/best-of-python: 🏆 A ranked list of awesome Python open-source libraries and tools. Updated weekly. https://github.com/ml-tooling/best-of-python 0 comments
- GitHub - humiaozuzu/awesome-flask: A curated list of awesome Flask resources and plugins https://github.com/humiaozuzu/flask-dev-bookmarks 0 comments
Linked pages
- Libera Chat | A next-generation IRC network for FOSS projects collaboration! https://libera.chat 265 comments
- The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines | Django https://www.djangoproject.com/ 126 comments
- Redis - The Real-time Data Platform http://redis.io 68 comments
- Celery - Distributed Task Queue — Celery 5.3.0 documentation https://docs.celeryq.dev/en/stable/ 35 comments
- http://web2py.com 32 comments
- What is gevent? — gevent 22.10.3.dev0 documentation http://www.gevent.org/#main-content 8 comments
- Tornado Web Server — Tornado 6.2 documentation http://www.tornadoweb.org/ 5 comments
- Messaging that just works — RabbitMQ http://www.rabbitmq.com/ 4 comments
- GitHub - gocelery/gocelery: Celery Distributed Task Queue in Go https://github.com/gocelery/gocelery 0 comments
- Welcome to the Pylons Project http://pylonsproject.org/ 0 comments
- GitHub - mher/node-celery: Celery client for Node.js https://github.com/mher/node-celery 0 comments
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