- A new version of create-react-native-library is out! https://github.com/callstack/react-native-builder-bob 5 comments reactnative
- My first NPM package - react-native-hide-onkeyboard https://github.com/callstack/react-native-builder-bob 2 comments reactnative
- Create React Native Module that has another Native Module as a dependency? https://github.com/callstack/react-native-builder-bob#how-do-i-add-a-react-native-library-containing-native-code-as-a-dependency-in-my-library 11 comments reactnative
- React Native SDK Development Question https://github.com/callstack/react-native-builder-bob 3 comments reactnative
Linking pages
- @codeherence/react-native-header - npm https://www.npmjs.com/package/@codeherence/react-native-header 28 comments
- react-native-webp-converter - npm https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-webp-converter 18 comments
- GitHub - okwasniewski/react-native-bottom-tabs: Native Bottom Tabs for React Native https://github.com/okwasniewski/react-native-bottom-tabs 18 comments
- GitHub - gunnartorfis/sonner-native: An opinionated toast component for React Native. A port of @emilkowalski's sonner. https://github.com/gunnartorfis/sonner-native 17 comments
- GitHub - enzomanuelmangano/react-native-qrcode-skia: A lightweight and high-performance QR code generator component for React Native, powered by Skia rendering engine. https://github.com/enzomanuelmangano/react-native-qrcode-skia 9 comments
- GitHub - alipman88/react-native-cross-platform-settings https://github.com/alipman88/react-native-cross-platform-settings 6 comments
- GitHub - gladiuscode/react-native-orientation-director: A React Native library that allows you to handle orientation changes. https://github.com/gladiuscode/react-native-orientation-director 5 comments
- react-native-qr-code-scanner-lite - npm https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-qr-code-scanner-lite 4 comments
- GitHub - TomAtterton/react-native-snowfall: An Animated Snowfall background https://github.com/tomatterton/react-native-snowfall 4 comments
- Getting Started | React Native Bottom Sheet https://gorhom.github.io/react-native-bottom-sheet/ 3 comments
- GitHub - wuba/wrn-echarts: 📈 React Native Chart Library. React Native version of Apache Echarts, based on react-native-svg and react-native-skia. Much better performance than webview based solution. https://github.com/wuba/wrn-echarts 2 comments
- GitHub - codeherence/react-native-header: A high-performance, cross-platform animated header component for React Native applications. https://github.com/codeherence/react-native-header 2 comments
- GitHub - mrpmohiburrahman/react-native-cone-slider: Cone shape slider in react-native https://github.com/mrpmohiburrahman/react-native-cone-slider 2 comments
- react-native-battery-optimization-check - npm https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-battery-optimization-check?activeTab=explore#requestdisableoptimization 2 comments
- @wilmxre/react-native-mesh-gradient - npm https://www.npmjs.com/package/@wilmxre/react-native-mesh-gradient 2 comments
- GitHub - osamaqarem/drag-select: 👆 A React Native utility for creating a pan gesture that auto-selects items in a list, like your favorite gallery app. https://github.com/osamaqarem/drag-select 2 comments
- GitHub - MetaLabs-inc/react-native-components-tracking: React Native library to automatically track events on several componentes https://github.com/MetaLabs-inc/react-native-components-tracking 1 comment
- GitHub - TIKramer/react-native-swipeable-deck: A swipe deck for react native in simular style as tinder https://github.com/TIKramer/react-native-swipeable-deck 1 comment
- GitHub - jacobp100/react-native-drag-drop-ios https://github.com/jacobp100/react-native-drag-drop-ios 1 comment
- GitHub - mybigday/whisper.rn https://github.com/mybigday/whisper.rn 1 comment
Linked pages
- Swift - Apple Developer https://developer.apple.com/swift/ 1465 comments
- TypeScript: JavaScript With Syntax For Types. http://www.typescriptlang.org 454 comments
- Kotlin Programming Language http://kotlinlang.org 254 comments
- Expo http://expo.io/ 73 comments
- webpack https://webpack.js.org 66 comments
- Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code - ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript Linter http://eslint.org/ 61 comments
- Jest · 🃏 Delightful JavaScript Testing https://jestjs.io/ 35 comments
- Babel · Babel https://babeljs.io/ 31 comments
- A lightweight Node.js private proxy registry | Verdaccio https://verdaccio.org/ 17 comments
- The MIT License | Open Source Initiative https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 15 comments
- Prettier · Opinionated Code Formatter https://prettier.io 10 comments
- Upgrading to new versions · React Native https://reactnative.dev/docs/upgrading 8 comments
- Features • GitHub Actions · GitHub https://github.com/features/actions 7 comments
- GitHub - evilmartians/lefthook: Fast and powerful Git hooks manager for any type of projects. https://github.com/evilmartians/lefthook 0 comments
- AndroidX Overview | Android Developers https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/ 0 comments