Hacker News
- Noulith: A new programming language by the current Advent of Code leader https://github.com/betaveros/noulith 127 comments
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- Microfeatures I'd like to see in more languages • Buttondown https://buttondown.email/hillelwayne/archive/microfeatures-id-like-to-see-in-more-languages/ 751 comments
- Designing a Programming Language to Speedrun Advent of Code https://blog.vero.site/post/noulith 98 comments
- A list of ternary operators • Buttondown https://buttondown.com/hillelwayne/archive/a-list-of-ternary-operators/ 74 comments
- GitHub - glyh/awesome-pl-concepts: An menu/quick reference for Programming Language concepts https://github.com/glyh/awesome-pl-concepts 21 comments
- GitHub - alilleybrinker/langs-in-rust: A list of programming languages implemented in Rust, for inspiration. https://github.com/alilleybrinker/langs-in-rust 10 comments
- GitHub - betaveros/advent-of-code-2022: actually publishing my solutions now that they're not redundant... https://github.com/betaveros/advent-of-code-2022 0 comments
- GitHub - KvGeijer/zote: A dynamic scripting language with a focus on flow-based syntax https://github.com/KvGeijer/zote 0 comments
- Microfeatures I'd like to see in more languages • Buttondown https://buttondown.com/hillelwayne/archive/microfeatures-id-like-to-see-in-more-languages/ 0 comments
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