- GitHub - aws-containers/kubectl-detector-for-docker-socket: A Kubectl plugin that can detect if any of your workloads or manifest files are mounting the docker.sock volume https://github.com/aws-containers/kubectl-detector-for-docker-socket 3 comments kubernetes
Linking pages
- Amazon EKS now supports Kubernetes 1.22 | Containers https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/containers/amazon-eks-now-supports-kubernetes-1-22/ 5 comments
- DevOps'ish 263: TSMC says demand slowing, yet another BGP mishap, Pulumiverse, Spring4Shell, etcd data corruption issue, kaar, kubectl-detector-for-docker-socket, and more - DevOps'ish https://devopsish.com/263/ 0 comments
- Amazon EKS Announces Support for Kubernetes 1.22 https://www.infoq.com/news/2022/04/eks-kubernetes-122/ 0 comments
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