Hacker News
- Texar: A toolkit for text generation and beyond based on Tensorflow https://github.com/asyml/texar 3 comments
Linking pages
- GitHub - aymericdamien/TopDeepLearning: A list of popular github projects related to deep learning https://github.com/aymericdamien/TopDeepLearning 35 comments
- GitHub - accelerated-text/awesome-nlg: A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Generation (NLG) https://github.com/tokenmill/awesome-nlg 0 comments
- Petuum & CMU Introduce Open-Source Text Generation Toolkit Texar | by Synced | SyncedReview | Medium https://medium.com/syncedreview/petuum-cmu-introduce-open-source-text-generation-toolkit-texar-568f3460a74 0 comments
- Introducing Texar: A Modularized, Versatile, and Extensible Toolkit for Text Generation and Beyond | by Texar | Medium https://medium.com/@texar/introducing-texar-a-modularized-versatile-and-extensible-toolkit-for-text-generation-and-beyond-589a5832b023 0 comments