Hacker News
- Kilo: A text editor in less than 1000 LOC with syntax highlight and search https://github.com/antirez/kilo 4 comments
Linking pages
- Rust Editors to Replace TextMate 2 - The Agony of Despair https://fuzzyblog.io/blog/rust/2022/07/08/rust-alternatives-to-textmate-2-the-agony-of-despair.html 131 comments
- GitHub - proh14/ptext: A nano like text editor built with pure C https://github.com/proh14/ptext 87 comments
- GitHub - jes/scamp-cpu: A homebrew 16-bit CPU with a homebrew Unix-like-ish operating system. https://github.com/jes/scamp-cpu 50 comments
- GitHub - hellerve/e: A dead simple editor https://github.com/hellerve/e 42 comments
- GitHub - r-darwish/kilopp: The Kilo editor in modern C++ https://github.com/r-darwish/kilopp 38 comments
- GitHub - dlannan/ljos: A very simple linux kernel that boots into a luajit command line. https://github.com/dlannan/ljos 38 comments
- Battle of the Text Editors https://matduggan.com/battle-of-the-text-editors/ 37 comments
- Erik's Blog - A Case for Using Neovim Without Plugins https://blog.erikwastaken.dev/posts/2023-05-06-a-case-for-neovim-without-plugins.html 34 comments
- GitHub - ilai-deutel/kibi: A text editor in ≤1024 lines of code, written in Rust https://github.com/ilai-deutel/kibi 32 comments
- GitHub - skx/kilua: A minimal text-editor with lua scripting. https://github.com/skx/kilo/ 29 comments
- GitHub - akkartik/teliva: Fork of Lua 5.1 to encourage end-user programming https://github.com/akkartik/teliva 17 comments
- GitHub - antirez/aocla: A small stack based, written to bring Advent of Code 2022 Day 13 puzzle to the extreme consequences https://github.com/antirez/aocla/ 11 comments
- GitHub - jasbury1/ginkgo: Ginkgo is a text editor built entirely in Rust. It supports cursor movements, CTRL commands, select vim commands, insert vs. normal modes, and more. Ginkgo is based on my text editor JED, which itself was based on the popular online editor Kilo. https://github.com/jasbury1/ginkgo 8 comments
- GitHub - nikitavoloboev/github-stars: Curated list of my GitHub stars https://github.com/nikitavoloboev/github-stars 0 comments
- SD Times GitHub Project of the Week: Pokémon Go Controller - SD Times http://sdtimes.com/sd-times-github-project-week-pokemon-go-controller/ 0 comments
- GitHub - sderosiaux/every-single-day-i-tldr: A daily digest of the articles or videos I've found interesting, that I want to share with you. https://github.com/sderosiaux/every-single-day-i-tldr 0 comments
- GitHub - rhysd/kiro-editor: A terminal UTF-8 text editor written in Rust 📝🦀 https://github.com/rhysd/kiro-editor 0 comments
- GitHub - ryanmcdermott/ette: Encrypted Text Terminal Editor (Ette) https://github.com/ryanmcdermott/ette 0 comments
- GitHub - krpors/hx: Hex editor for the terminal using plain C99 + POSIX libs. https://github.com/krpors/hx 0 comments
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