- Navigation in multi-module Compose project https://github.com/android/nowinandroid/ 5 comments androiddev
- How to test presentation layers that do not implement data layers as dependencies https://github.com/android/nowinandroid 37 comments androiddev
- Compose navigation - state not always restored https://github.com/android/nowinandroid 5 comments androiddev
- A fully functional Android app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose https://github.com/android/nowinandroid 9 comments kotlin
- A fully functional Android app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose https://github.com/android/nowinandroid 10 comments android
Linking pages
- GitHub - google/iosched: The Google I/O Android App https://github.com/google/iosched 150 comments
- GitHub - kodeflap/Android-A-Z: A repository for android related materials like libraries, resources etc.. https://github.com/kodeflap/Android-A-Z 18 comments
- GitHub - RubyLichtenstein/Dogiz: 🐾🐶 "Dogiz": Explore modern Android with Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Flow, and clean architecture principles. https://github.com/RubyLichtenstein/Dogiz 15 comments
- GitHub - android/ndk-samples: Android NDK samples with Android Studio https://github.com/android/ndk-samples.git 13 comments
- GitHub - blocoio/android-template: Android app starter template https://github.com/blocoio/android-template 12 comments
- GitHub - mariodujic/Android-multimodule-dependency-graph: Creates a dependency graph for an Android multimodule project. https://github.com/mariodujic/Android-multimodule-dependency-graph 10 comments
- GitHub - tunjid/heron: Another bird in the ATmosphere https://github.com/tunjid/heron 6 comments
- Compose Navigation in a modularised project | by Daniel Sims | Feb, 2023 | Medium https://medium.com/@danielsims1994/compose-navigation-in-a-modularised-project-29ee2c23ba83 5 comments
- Navigation with Compose | Jetpack Compose | Android Developers https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/compose/navigation#retrieving-complex-data 5 comments
- GitHub - android/compose-samples: Official Jetpack Compose samples. https://github.com/android/compose-samples 3 comments
- Build an offline-first app | Android Developers https://developer.android.com/topic/architecture/data-layer/offline-first 3 comments
- GitHub - android/architecture-samples: A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps. https://github.com/googlesamples/android-architecture 1 comment
- 7 Android Resources To Level Up As a Developer | by Jaewoong Eum | Dec, 2022 | Medium https://skydoves.medium.com/7-android-resources-to-level-up-as-a-developer-4ce6d8ff2b45 1 comment
- Migrate your build to version catalogs | Android Studio | Android Developers https://developer.android.com/build/migrate-to-catalogs 1 comment
- View State Management & Coordination with Compose on Android https://open.substack.com/pub/connorahaskins/p/view-state-management-and-coordination 1 comment
- Splash screens | Views | Android Developers https://developer.android.com/develop/ui/views/launch/splash-screen 1 comment
- Guide to app architecture | Android Developers https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/index.html 0 comments
- Jetpack Compose UI App Development Toolkit - Android Developers https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose 0 comments
- GitHub - google/iosched: The Google I/O Android App http://code.google.com/p/iosched/ 0 comments
- Jetpack Compose for days - by Victor Brandalise https://victorbrandalise.substack.com/p/jetpack-compose-for-days 0 comments
Linked pages
- Download Android Studio & App Tools - Android Developers https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html 339 comments
- Material Design https://m3.material.io/ 158 comments
- Unveiling Material You - Material Design https://material.io/blog/announcing-material-you 150 comments
- Guide to app architecture | Android Developers https://developer.android.com/topic/architecture#recommended-app-arch 25 comments
- GitHub - takahirom/roborazzi: Make JVM Android integration test visible https://github.com/takahirom/roborazzi 1 comment
- Jetpack Compose UI App Development Toolkit - Android Developers https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose 0 comments
- Baseline Profiles | Android Developers https://developer.android.com/studio/profile/baselineprofiles 0 comments
- Dependency injection with Hilt | Android Developers https://developer.android.com/training/dependency-injection/hilt-android#setup 0 comments
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