- A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software for the Java programming language https://github.com/akullpp/awesome-java 25 comments java
- A curated list of awesome Java frameworks https://github.com/akullpp/awesome-java 53 comments programming
- A curated list of awesome Java frameworks https://github.com/akullpp/awesome-java 11 comments java
Linking pages
- GitHub - sindresorhus/awesome: 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome 69 comments
- GitHub - bayandin/awesome-awesomeness: A curated list of awesome awesomeness https://github.com/bayandin/awesome-awesomeness 66 comments
- GitHub - jnv/lists: The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub and elsewhere https://github.com/jnv/lists 28 comments
- GitHub - Vedenin/useful-java-links: A list of useful Java frameworks, libraries, software and hello worlds examples https://github.com/vedenin/useful-java-links/ 10 comments
- GitHub - emijrp/awesome-awesome: A curated list of awesome curated lists of many topics. https://github.com/emijrp/awesome-awesome 7 comments
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to GitHub: 13 Java Projects You Should Try - DZone https://dzone.com/articles/the-hitchhikers-guide-to-github-13-java-projects-y 5 comments
- GitHub - oyvindrobertsen/awesome-awesome: A curated list of curated lists of libraries, resources and shiny things for various languages. https://github.com/oyvindrobertsen/awesome-awesome 4 comments
- Ten curated resources for you to learn code and entrepreneurship. - code(love) http://www.code-love.com/2014/08/11/ten-curated-resources-learn-code-entrepreneurship/ 1 comment
- GitHub - cuuupid/awesome-lists: A curated list of curated lists. https://github.com/cuuupid/awesome-lists 1 comment
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- GitHub - yahoo/elide: Elide is a Java library that lets you stand up a GraphQL/JSON-API web service with minimal effort. https://github.com/yahoo/elide 0 comments
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- GitHub - lightSky/Awesome-MaterialDesign: Collection of material design libs and res. https://github.com/lightSky/Awesome-MaterialDesign 0 comments
- GitHub - trackawesomelist/trackawesomelist: Track 500+ Awesome List Updates, Track it - not just star it! https://github.com/trackawesomelist/trackawesomelist 0 comments
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to GitHub: 13 Java Projects You Should Try - DZone https://dzone.com/articles/the-hitchhikers-guide-to-github-13-java-projects-y?oid=hn 0 comments
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Linked pages
- GitHub - EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition: FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition is a no-nonsense implementation of FizzBuzz made by serious businessmen for serious business purposes. https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition 628 comments
- GitHub - winterbe/java8-tutorial: Modern Java - A Guide to Java 8 https://github.com/winterbe/java8-tutorial#modern-java---a-guide-to-java-8 595 comments
- The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration | The Eclipse Foundation http://www.eclipse.org/#helios 433 comments
- Cryptomator - Free & Open-Source Cloud Storage Encryption https://cryptomator.org/ 402 comments
- Keycloak https://www.keycloak.org/ 391 comments
- Spark Framework: An expressive web framework for Kotlin and Java http://sparkjava.com/ 292 comments
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- Amazon Corretto Production-ready distribution of OpenJDK https://aws.amazon.com/corretto/ 216 comments
- GitHub - VerbalExpressions/JavaVerbalExpressions: Java regular expressions made easy. https://github.com/VerbalExpressions/JavaVerbalExpressions 211 comments
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- GitHub - alibaba/dragonwell8: Alibaba Dragonwell8 JDK https://github.com/alibaba/dragonwell8 190 comments
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- Javalin - A lightweight Java and Kotlin web framework https://javalin.io 138 comments
- GitHub - manifold-systems/manifold: Manifold is a Java compiler plugin, its features include Metaprogramming, Properties, Extension Methods, Operator Overloading, Templates, a Preprocessor, and more. https://github.com/manifold-systems/manifold 137 comments
- jOOQ: The easiest way to write SQL in Java https://www.jooq.org/ 135 comments
- Home | Adoptium https://adoptopenjdk.net/ 134 comments
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