- Weekend hack: I built a tool on Go to check internet speed right from terminal https://github.com/adhocore/fast 6 comments golang
Linking pages
- GitHub - adhocore/urlsh: Golang URL shortener and bookmarker service with UI, API, Cache, Hits Counter and forwarder using postgres and redis in backend, bulma in frontend https://github.com/adhocore/urlsh 19 comments
- GitHub - adhocore/gronx: Lightweight, fast and dependency-free Cron expression parser (due checker, and next due date finder), task scheduler and/or daemon for Golang (tested on v1.13 and above) and standalone usage https://github.com/adhocore/gronx 4 comments
- GitHub - adhocore/goic: Golang OpenID Connect Client https://github.com/adhocore/goic 0 comments
- GitHub - adhocore/chin: A Go lang library to show a spinner as user waits for any long running jobs to finish. https://github.com/adhocore/chin 0 comments
Linked pages
- Internet Speed Test | Fast.com https://fast.com 1043 comments
- GitHub - adhocore/urlsh: Golang URL shortener and bookmarker service with UI, API, Cache, Hits Counter and forwarder using postgres and redis in backend, bulma in frontend https://github.com/adhocore/urlsh 19 comments
- GitHub - adhocore/gronx: Lightweight, fast and dependency-free Cron expression parser (due checker, and next due date finder), task scheduler and/or daemon for Golang (tested on v1.13 and above) and standalone usage https://github.com/adhocore/gronx 4 comments
- GitHub - adhocore/goic: Golang OpenID Connect Client https://github.com/adhocore/goic 0 comments
- GitHub - adhocore/chin: A Go lang library to show a spinner as user waits for any long running jobs to finish. https://github.com/adhocore/chin 0 comments
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