- I built this solution and shared it a few months ago. Now, I've updated it and am sharing it again for show off saturday! https://github.com/Ninjas-Code-official/Enatega-Multivendor-Food-Delivery-Solution 5 comments webdev
- My work on a full fledge food delivery app is finally complete and I have made the front-end open source https://github.com/Ninjas-Code-official/Enatega-Multivendor-Food-Delivery-Solution 8 comments webdev
Linked pages
- React – A JavaScript library for building user interfaces https://reactjs.org 441 comments
- Express - Node.js web application framework http://expressjs.com/ 389 comments
- Firebase | Google's Mobile and Web App Development Platform https://firebase.google.com/ 85 comments
- Node.js — Run JavaScript Everywhere https://web.archive.org/web/20180306073316/https:/nodejs.org/en/ 67 comments
- Home v6.8.1 | React Router https://reactrouter.com/ 52 comments
- React Navigation | React Navigation https://reactnavigation.org/ 47 comments
- Open-Source Food Delivery App Solutions for Restaurant | Enatega http://www.enatega.com/ 40 comments
- MongoDB: The Developer Data Platform | MongoDB https://mongodb.com/ 30 comments
- Expo https://expo.dev/ 28 comments
- React Native · Learn once, write anywhere https://reactnative.dev/ 21 comments
- Bei Facebook anmelden https://www.facebook.com/enatega 17 comments
- Storybook https://reactstrap.github.io 10 comments
- GraphQL | A query language for your API https://graphql.org/ 9 comments
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