Hacker News
- Nvidia Linux Open GPU Kernel Module Source https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 8 comments
- Is there any functional difference between the standard NVIDIA drivers and NVIDIA Open GPU drivers? (not nouveau) https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 27 comments linux_gaming
- Current NVidia state vs AMD's amdgpu driver https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 69 comments linux_gaming
- NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules: what's stopping them to add Wayland support https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 2 comments nvidia
- Is any distro using the open source Nvidia driver module(not the nouveau driver) https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 2 comments linuxquestions
- NVIDIA Linux open GPU kernel module source https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules/ 6 comments programming
- NVIDIA has now released open source linux drivers, will Pop ship with these in the future? https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 31 comments pop_os
- Today, Nvidia Has Made the Gpu Kernel Drivers for Linux Open-source. What Do You Think This Means for the Future of Gaming on Linux? https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 14 comments linux
- NVidia driver licencing https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules/ 4 comments linux
- Open the f-ing champagne! https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 51 comments gentoo
- FINALLY Nvidia open sourced kernel module https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 65 comments fedora
- NVIDIA open-sources Linux driver https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 209 comments programming
- Nvidia open sources its Linux kernel modules https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules 404 comments linux_gaming
Linking pages
- NVIDIA Transitioning To Official, Open-Source Linux GPU Kernel Driver - Phoronix https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?item=nvidia-open-kernel&num=1&page=article 318 comments
- GitHub - elFarto/nvidia-vaapi-driver: A VA-API implemention using NVIDIA's NVDEC https://github.com/elFarto/nvidia-vaapi-driver 170 comments
- GitHub - aristocratos/btop: A monitor of resources https://github.com/aristocratos/btop 141 comments
- LibVF.IO: Commodity GPU Multiplexing Driven By VFIO & YAML. https://arccompute.com/blog/libvfio-commodity-gpu-multiplexing/ 116 comments
- A dive into the AMD driver workflow | the singularity is nearer https://geohot.github.io/blog/jekyll/update/2023/06/07/a-dive-into-amds-drivers.html 77 comments
- NVIDIA Transitioning To Official, Open-Source Linux GPU Kernel Driver - Phoronix https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?item=nvidia-open-kernel&page=article#=1 39 comments
- GitHub - mikeroyal/Fedora-Guide: Fedora/CentOS Stream/Red Hat Enterprise Linux Guide https://github.com/mikeroyal/Fedora-Guide 30 comments
- NVIDIA 515.48.07 Linux Graphics Driver Released as First Version with Open-Source Modules - 9to5Linux https://9to5linux.com/nvidia-515-48-07-linux-graphics-driver-released-as-first-version-with-open-source-modules 13 comments
- GitHub - Arc-Compute/LibVF.IO: A vendor neutral GPU multiplexing tool driven by VFIO & YAML. https://github.com/Arc-Compute/LibVF.IO 9 comments
- Nvidia open sources GPU Kernel modules for Linux: How will that be Beneficial? - Boiling Steam https://boilingsteam.com/nvidia-open-sources-gpu-kernel-modules-for-linux-how-will-that-be-beneficial/ 8 comments
- GitHub - mikeroyal/Perfect-Ubuntu-Guide: Ubuntu Guide. Learn about getting your Ubuntu Desktop/Server ready for development. Including Ubuntu Security, Graphics (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel ARC), and Software Apps. https://github.com/mikeroyal/Perfect-Ubuntu-Guide 7 comments
- NVIDIA R550 Linux Driver's Open Kernel Modules Performing Well On GeForce GPUs - Phoronix https://www.phoronix.com/review/nvidia-r550-open 6 comments
- GitHub - mikeroyal/Linux-Guide: Linux Guide. Learn about Linux Hardware vendors, Linux in the Cloud, Desktop Environments, Window Mangers, Linux Distributions, Linux Security, Graphics (AMD/NVIDIA/Intel ARC), and Software Apps. https://github.com/mikeroyal/Linux-Guide 5 comments
- NVMe: New Vulnerabilities Made Easy https://www.cyberark.com/resources/threat-research-blog/nvme-new-vulnerabilities-made-easy 5 comments
- Understanding how Kubernetes 1.24 and the dockershim deprecation broke the Kubelet in Arch Linux. | Medium https://medium.com/@nova_63234/breaking-kubernetes-1-24-89998cc98e59 3 comments
- NVIDIA open source video drivers for Linux kernel - LinuxStoney https://linuxstoney.com/nvidia-open-source-video-drivers-for-linux-kernel/ 1 comment
- Colorful Vulnerabilities https://www.cyberark.com/resources/threat-research-blog/colorful-vulnerabilities 0 comments
- Nvidia takes first step toward open source Linux GPU drivers | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/05/nvidia-takes-first-step-toward-open-source-linux-gpu-drivers/ 0 comments
- [AINews] Test-Time Training, MobileLLM, Lilian Weng on Hallucination (Plus: Turbopuffer) • Buttondown https://buttondown.email/ainews/archive/ainews-to-be-named-3686/ 0 comments
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