- Tray Icons for GNOME 3.36, looking for some tester before upload to extensions.gnome.org https://github.com/MartinPL/Tray-Icons-Reloaded 43 comments gnome
Linked pages
- GNOME https://www.gnome.org/ 360 comments
- GitHub - hardpixel/unite-shell: Unite is an extension that makes GNOME Shell look like Ubuntu Unity Shell. https://github.com/hardpixel/unite-shell 69 comments
- Tray Icons: Reloaded - GNOME Shell Extensions https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/2890/tray-icons-reloaded/ 60 comments
- GDM - ArchWiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GDM#Log-in_screen_background_image 10 comments
- GitHub - phocean/TopIcons-plus: An gnome-shell extension to put the icons back to the tray. https://github.com/phocean/TopIcons-plus 7 comments