Hacker News
- Kubernetes Config Connector: Provision GCP Infrastructure Using Kubernetes https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/k8s-config-connector 23 comments
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- Introducing Kube Resource Orchestrator, or kro | Google Cloud Blog https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/containers-kubernetes/introducing-kube-resource-orchestrator 37 comments
- The Kubernetes Discovery Cache: Blessing and Curse · Jonny Langefeld https://jonnylangefeld.com/blog/the-kubernetes-discovery-cache-blessing-and-curse 5 comments
- Google Config Connector: Deploying Spanner from Kubernetes | by Peyton Casper | Medium https://medium.com/@peytoncasper/google-config-connector-deploying-spanner-from-kubernetes-5e6b68efaa16 0 comments
- Kubernetes Manifests Transformer by one line— KPT KCL Function | by Peefy | Mar, 2023 | Medium https://medium.com/@xpf6677/kcl-kpt-integration-2cfccce7e870 0 comments
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