Hacker News
- GitQL 0.30.0 now support Composite types inspired by PostgreSQL https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/gql 4 comments programming
- GitQL 0.27.0 is released with Range support and the ability to define generic functions in your std with relative dynamic types https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 7 comments programming
- GitQL 0.25.0 supports Inner, Cross, Left and Right JOINS with on predicate https://github.com/amrdeveloper/gql 2 comments rust
- GitQL 0.23.0 support slice [s:e} expression with optional start and end https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 4 comments programming
- GitQL 0.21.0 now supports single & multi dimensions array with index expr https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/gql 2 comments rust
- GitQL 0.16.0 supports MySQL Regex functions, Mod and Div keywords https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 2 comments rust
- GitQL 0.15.0 supports Show and Describe statements https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 2 comments programming
- GitQL 0.10.0 now supports User defined variables https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 3 comments rust
- GitQL 0.9.0 is released with Time, Date and DateTime implicit casting https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 7 comments programming
- GitQL now available on Winget and Scoop Package managers https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 2 comments rust
- GitQL now available on Winget and Scoop Package managers https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 2 comments programming
- GitQL 0.7.0 supports Like expression and order by any expression https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 5 comments programming
- Gitql now supports caes expression, overflow checks, group by repository path https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 4 comments programming
- Gitql 0.5.0 supports multiple repositories, Runtime exceptions and more https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 6 comments programming
- Git Query Language (GQL) Aggregation Functions, Groups, Alias https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 3 comments compilers
- Git Query Language (GQL) Aggregation Functions, Groups, Alias https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 8 comments programminglanguages
- Git Query Language (GQL) Aggregation Functions, Groups, Alias https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 9 comments rust
- Git Query Language (GQL) updates and improvements https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 13 comments programminglanguages
- Git Query Language update and improvements https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 6 comments rust
- A SQL like query language for .git files written in Rust https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 7 comments github
- GQL: A SQL like query language for .git files https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 33 comments programminglanguages
- GQL: A new SQL like query language for .git files written in Rust https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/GQL 40 comments programming
Linking pages
- GitHub - rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources. https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust 178 comments
- GitHub - rust-unofficial/awesome-rust: A curated list of Rust code and resources. https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust?tab=readme-ov-file#database 9 comments
Linked pages
- GitHub - AmrDeveloper/ClangQL: ClangQL is a tool that allow you to run SQL-like query on C/C++ Code instead of database files using the GitQL SDK https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/ClangQL 89 comments
- GitHub - AmrDeveloper/PyQL: PyQL 🐍 is a SQL-like query language to run on Python source code files instead of database files using the GitQL SDK. https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/PyQL 46 comments
- Git Query language https://amrdeveloper.github.io/GQL/ 25 comments
- GitHub - AmrDeveloper/FileQL: A tool that allow you to run SQL-like query on local files instead of database files using the GitQL SDK. https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/FileQL 8 comments
- https://amrdeveloper.github.io/gql/sdk/ 0 comments
- GitHub - AmrDeveloper/LLQL: LLQL is a tool that allow you to run SQL-like query with Pattern matching functions inspired by LLVM InstCombine Pattern Matchers on LLVM IR/Bitcode files https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/LLQL 0 comments