- CodeView 1.3.6 is released now with new features and performance improvements https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/codeview 2 comments androiddev
- CodeView 1.3.6 is released now with new features and performance improvements https://github.com/AmrDeveloper/codeview 2 comments coolgithubprojects
Linking pages
- Android CodeView: Highlight search result in List Items | by Amr Hesham | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/android-codeview-highlight-search-result-in-list-items-b7e4c9fb57d8 1 comment
- GitHub - wasabeef/awesome-android-ui: A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries https://github.com/wasabeef/awesome-android-ui 0 comments
- Android CodeView: Create a code editor with Snippets | by Amr Hesham | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/android-codeview-create-a-code-editor-with-snippets-6733094161e4#e2a3-3b48d1e52c9 0 comments
Linked pages
- JitPack | Publish JVM and Android libraries https://jitpack.io 126 comments
- Android CodeView: Highlight search result in List Items | by Amr Hesham | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/android-codeview-highlight-search-result-in-list-items-b7e4c9fb57d8 1 comment
- Android CodeView: Create a code editor with Snippets | by Amr Hesham | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/android-codeview-create-a-code-editor-with-snippets-6733094161e4#e2a3-3b48d1e52c9 0 comments