Hacker News
- Universal Android Debloater: Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater 6 comments privacy
- Extra features aside, will debloating an Android phone get you close to what you would get to using a custom ROM on the phone? https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater 11 comments privacy
- GitHub - 0x192/universal-android-debloater: Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device. https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater 4 comments rust
- android 12 (pixel6) "swipe up" [home] broken after degoogling https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater#how-to-use-it 11 comments degoogle
- Is there way to determine which packages are necessary for accessibility options when using the Universal Android Debloater? https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater 3 comments degoogle
- Make Android devices faster with Universal Android Debloater. It now has a GUI and more options! https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater 306 comments android
- Universal Android Debloater has a GUI and new apps in their lists https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater 18 comments degoogle
Linking pages
- GitHub - Universal-Debloater-Alliance/universal-android-debloater-next-generation: Cross-platform GUI written in Rust using ADB to debloat non-rooted Android devices. Improve your privacy, the security and battery life of your device. https://github.com/Universal-Debloater-Alliance/universal-android-debloater-next-generation 222 comments
- GitHub - auctors/free-lunch: A curated list of free Windows software, online services and resources. Feel free to contribute! https://github.com/auctors/free-lunch 216 comments
- arl/README-Rust.md at master · kaxap/arl · GitHub https://github.com/kaxap/arl/blob/master/README-Rust.md 14 comments
- GitHub - Szaki/XiaomiADBFastbootTools: A simple tool for managing Xiaomi devices on desktop using ADB and Fastboot https://github.com/Szaki/XiaomiADBFastbootTools 3 comments
- GitHub - lavafroth/droidrunco: Minimalist, functional Android debloat tool in Go https://github.com/lavafroth/debloatplusplus 3 comments
- Weekly trending Rust repositories https://trendy.dev/week/Rust 3 comments
- GitHub - lavafroth/droidrunco: Minimalist, functional Android debloat tool in Go https://github.com/lavafroth/droidrunco 2 comments
- trendy.dev | Daily trending repositories https://trendy.dev/ 0 comments
Linked pages
- GitHub - iced-rs/iced: A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm https://github.com/hecrj/iced/ 369 comments
- Homebrew — The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux) https://brew.sh 199 comments
- Releases · 0x192/universal-android-debloater · GitHub https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater/releases 151 comments
- W1nst0n / Universal Android Debloater · GitLab https://gitlab.com/W1nst0n/universal-android-debloater 36 comments
- Add to the PATH on Windows 10 | Architect Ryan https://www.architectryan.com/2018/03/17/add-to-the-path-on-windows-10/ 0 comments
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