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- Yes, Claude Code can decompile itself. Here's the source code https://ghuntley.com/tradecraft/ 110 comments
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- An "oh fuck" moment in time https://ghuntley.com/oh-fuck/ 162 comments
- Dear Student: Yes, AI is here, you're screwed unless you take action... https://ghuntley.com/screwed/ 20 comments
- The future belongs to idea guys who can just do things https://ghuntley.com/dothings/ 18 comments
- You are using Cursor AI incorrectly... https://ghuntley.com/stdlib/ 18 comments
- What do I mean by some software devs are "ngmi"? https://ghuntley.com/ngmi/ 12 comments
- what if instead of "responsible disclosure" as the infosec standard it was "responsible resolution"? https://ghuntley.com/under-suspicion/ 0 comments
- Cleanroom software engineering - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleanroom_software_engineering 0 comments
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