Hacker News
- Dear Student, Yes, AI is here https://ghuntley.com/screwed/ 0 comments
- Dear Student: Yes, AI is here, you're screwed unless you take action https://ghuntley.com/screwed/ 0 comments
- Dear Student: Yes, AI is here, you're screwed unless you take action https://ghuntley.com/screwed/ 0 comments
- Dear Student: Yes, AI is here, you're screwed unless you take action... https://ghuntley.com/screwed/ 1 comment compsci
- Dear Student: Yes, AI is here, you're screwed unless you take action... https://ghuntley.com/screwed/ 19 comments programming
Linking pages
Linked pages
- Levels.fyi | Salaries & Tools to Level Up Your Career https://levels.fyi 2548 comments
- AI Killed The Tech Interview. Now What? | Kane Narraway https://kanenarraway.com/posts/ai-killed-the-tech-interview-now-what/ 629 comments
- There’s no speed limit | Derek Sivers https://sive.rs/kimo 278 comments
- Introducing the Model Context Protocol \ Anthropic https://www.anthropic.com/news/model-context-protocol 269 comments
- No other profession trivialises their profession to the degree of software https://ghuntley.com/squirrel-burgers/ 218 comments
- An "oh fuck" moment in time https://ghuntley.com/oh-fuck/ 162 comments
- The LLM Curve of Impact on Software Engineers https://serce.me/posts/2025-02-07-the-llm-curve-of-impact-on-software-engineers 45 comments
- Common Gateway Interface - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Gateway_Interface#History 33 comments
- The future belongs to idea guys who can just do things https://ghuntley.com/dothings/ 18 comments
- You are using Cursor AI incorrectly... https://ghuntley.com/stdlib/ 18 comments
- GitHub - All-Hands-AI/OpenHands: 🙌 OpenHands: Code Less, Make More https://github.com/All-Hands-AI/OpenHands 12 comments
- What do I mean by some software devs are "ngmi"? https://ghuntley.com/ngmi/ 12 comments
- GitHub - block/goose: an open-source, extensible AI agent that goes beyond code suggestions - install, execute, edit, and test with any LLM https://github.com/block/goose 5 comments
- Staff archetypes | StaffEng https://staffeng.com/guides/staff-archetypes/ 4 comments
- Fucked Company - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fucked_Company 3 comments
- Multi Boxing LLMs https://ghuntley.com/multi-boxing/ 1 comment
- I had my AI "oh f***" moment and I'm a student, now what? https://ghuntley.com/im-a-student/ 1 comment
- Simon Willison: TIL https://til.simonwillison.net/ 0 comments
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