Hacker News
- Lessons learned from a successful Rust rewrite https://gaultier.github.io/blog/lessons_learned_from_a_successful_rust_rewrite.html 42 comments
- Lessons learned from a successful Rust rewrite https://gaultier.github.io/blog/lessons_learned_from_a_successful_rust_rewrite.html 23 comments c++ , practices , rust
- In this article, a very experienced Rust and C++ developer, after finishing rewriting in Rust, concluded that 'it is easier to inadvertently introduce Undefined Behavior in Rust than in C++' and his points would be addressed if he used Zig! https://gaultier.github.io/blog/lessons_learned_from_a_successful_rust_rewrite.html 93 comments zig
- Lessons learned from a successful Rust rewrite https://gaultier.github.io/blog/lessons_learned_from_a_successful_rust_rewrite.html 35 comments rust
- Lessons learned from a successful Rust rewrite https://gaultier.github.io/blog/lessons_learned_from_a_successful_rust_rewrite.html 27 comments programming
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