- Ending support for Windows 10 could result in the disposal of 240 million computers, which, if stacked, would reach a height of 600 km - higher than the moon. It is important to consider the environmental impact of such a large-scale disposal. http://www.gadgettendency.com/ending-support-for-windows-10-could-send-240-million-computers-to-the-landfill-a-stack-of-that-many-laptops-would-end-up-600-km-higher-than-the-moon/ 160 comments futurology
- Lets install Linux on them!!! https://gadgettendency.com/ending-support-for-windows-10-could-send-240-million-computers-to-the-landfill-a-stack-of-that-many-laptops-would-end-up-600-km-higher-than-the-moon/ 218 comments linux
- Ending support for Windows 10 could send 240 million computers to the landfill: a stack of that many laptops would end up 600 km higher than the moon https://gadgettendency.com/ending-support-for-windows-10-could-send-240-million-computers-to-the-landfill-a-stack-of-that-many-laptops-would-end-up-600-km-higher-than-the-moon/ 1096 comments futurology
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