- Alarm mounts in western capitals over Turkey’s deepening ties with Russia https://www.ft.com/content/00badf9e-f0d9-417f-9aec-9ac1c2207835 18 comments economy
- Alarm mounts in western capitals over Turkey’s deepening ties with Russia https://www.ft.com/content/00badf9e-f0d9-417f-9aec-9ac1c2207835 2 comments europe
- Alarm mounts in western capitals over Turkey’s deepening ties with Russia https://www.ft.com/content/00badf9e-f0d9-417f-9aec-9ac1c2207835 200 comments europe
Linking pages
- Turkish President Erdoğan says he'll work with Putin to turn Turkey into a natural gas hub, and it marks the next step in Putin's attempts to keep selling Russian fuel to Europe https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/turkish-president-erdo-says-hell-052813690.html 119 comments
- FT says Western governments are alarmed over Turkey's deepening ties with Russia | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ft-says-western-governments-are-alarmed-over-turkeys-deepening-ties-with-russia-2022-08-06/ 13 comments
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