- Coinbase CEO says he’ll only freeze Russia’s crypto if U.S. forces it https://fortune.com/2022/03/04/coinbase-ceo-freeze-russias-crypto/amp/ 8 comments politics
Linked pages
- Brian Armstrong on Twitter: "5/ That being said, we don’t think there’s a high risk of Russian oligarchs using crypto to avoid sanctions. Because it is an open ledger, trying to sneak lots of money through crypto would be more traceable than using U.S. dollars cash, art, gold, or other assets." / Twitter https://twitter.com/brian_armstrong/status/1499622118224392195?s=20&t=wvIEAcknEfZoSSd8qlOoKA 473 comments
- https://blog.coinbase.com/coinbase-is-a-mission-focused-company-af882df8804 78 comments
- When will Russia run out of money for its war in Ukraine? | Fortune https://fortune.com/2022/03/03/when-will-russia-run-out-of-money-sanctions-ukraine-foreign-exchange-reserves-oil-gas/ 5 comments
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