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- Migration: The fences dividing Europe: how the EU uses walls to contain irregular migration | International | EL PAÍS English 12 comments
- A gateway to Europe for migrants and a paradise for tourists: The two Lampedusas that rarely intersect | International | EL PAÍS English 1 comment
- Is Italy really in a migration emergency? Increase in arrivals and lack of resources strain the situation | International | EL PAÍS English 0 comments
- The tangled net of regulations that ensnares lifesaving NGOs in the Mediterranean | International | EL PAÍS English 0 comments
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- ‘We have made science fiction come true!’ Scientists prove particles in a quantum system can be rejuvenated | Science & Tech | EL PAÍS English Edition 23 comments
- The world returns to an era of nuclear angst | International | EL PAÍS English Edition 0 comments
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