Hacker News
- New York approves the first congestion toll in the US: $15 to enter Manhattan https://english.elpais.com/climate/2023-12-07/new-york-approves-the-first-congestion-toll-in-the-us-drivers-to-be-charged-15-to-enter-manhattan.html 155 comments
- New York approves the first congestion toll in the US: Drivers to be charged $15 to enter Manhattan | The measure, which is already applied in cities such as London, Milan and Stockholm, will come into effect in spring and aims to raise $1 billion a year for public transportation https://english.elpais.com/climate/2023-12-07/new-york-approves-the-first-congestion-toll-in-the-us-drivers-to-be-charged-15-to-enter-manhattan.html 81 comments politics
Linked pages
- Spain expels two US spies for infiltrating secret service | Spain | EL PAÍS English https://english.elpais.com/spain/2023-12-08/spain-expels-two-us-spies-for-infiltrating-secret-service.html 324 comments
- Chronobiologist and Nobel Laureate in Medicine Michael Rosbash: ‘Lack of sunlight during the day is worse than electric lighting at night’ | Health | EL PAÍS English https://english.elpais.com/health/2023-12-01/chronobiologist-and-nobel-laureate-in-medicine-michael-rosbash-lack-of-sunlight-during-the-day-is-worse-than-electric-lighting-at-night.html 245 comments
- London’s plan to charge drivers of polluting cars sparks protests and stirs political passions | International | EL PAÍS English https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-08-29/londons-plan-to-charge-drivers-of-polluting-cars-sparks-protests-and-stirs-political-passions.html 0 comments
- Chapman-Silverman: The Chapman-Silverman event, the most intense geomagnetic storm ever recorded brought auroras to the Sahara | Science | EL PAÍS English https://english.elpais.com/science-tech/2023-12-06/the-chapman-silverman-event-the-most-intense-geomagnetic-storm-ever-recorded-brought-auroras-to-the-sahara.html 0 comments
- In Germany, the weight of historical guilt silences protests for Gaza victims | International | EL PAÍS English https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-12-08/in-germany-the-weight-of-historical-guilt-silences-protests-for-gaza-victims.html 0 comments