Hacker News
- Update about the October 4th outage https://engineering.fb.com/2021/10/04/networking-traffic/outage/ 224 comments
- Update about the October 4th outage https://engineering.fb.com/2021/10/04/networking-traffic/outage/ 17 comments networking
- Facebook Engineering: Update about the October 4th outage https://engineering.fb.com/2021/10/04/networking-traffic/outage/ 32 comments programming
Linking pages
- Facebook's outage proves Elizabeth Warren right: It's time to break up Big Tech | Salon.com https://www.salon.com/2021/10/05/facebooks-outage-proves-elizabeth-warren-right-its-time-to-break-up-big-tech/ 157 comments
- Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram back after outage - BBC News https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-58793174 104 comments
- GitHub - upgundecha/howtheysre: A curated collection of publicly available resources on how technology and tech-savvy organizations around the world practice Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) https://github.com/upgundecha/howtheysre 98 comments
- Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are all down https://techcrunch.com/2021/10/04/facebook-messenger-instagram-whatsapp-are-all-down/ 74 comments
- You Can't Control Your Data in the Cloud https://karl-voit.at/cloud/ 60 comments
- Facebook says root cause of outage was faulty configuration change | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/facebook-outages-iduskbn2gv05e 32 comments
- Facebook, Instagram were down for six hours after whistleblower went public | Mashable https://www.mashable.com/article/facebook-instagram-down-oct-4-2021%3famp 24 comments
- Facebook is scrambling to fix massive outage - The Verge https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/4/22709575/facebook-outage-instagram-whatsapp 24 comments
- Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram outage: services start coming back online | CNN Business https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/04/tech/facebook-instagram-whatsapp-outage/index.html 17 comments
- Maintenance error caused Facebook's 6-hour outage, company says | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/technology/facebook-says-maintenance-error-caused-mondays-6-hour-outage-2021-10-05/ 17 comments
- Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp back online after widespread outage - National | Globalnews.ca https://globalnews.ca/news/8241546/facebook-instagram-whatsapp-down-3/ 11 comments
- Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp Were Down: Here's What to Know - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/04/technology/facebook-down.html 10 comments
- Facebook reveals what caused six-hour outage hitting it, Whatsapp and Instagram services | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/facebook-six-hour-outage-cause-b1932382.html 9 comments
- The Great Facebook Outage of 2021: Why WhatsApp and Instagram were down for six hours - New Statesman https://www.newstatesman.com/internet-social-media/2021/10/the-great-facebook-outage-of-2021-why-whatsapp-and-instagram-were-down-for-six-hours-yesterday 7 comments
- Facebook is finally back after hours-long outage, but Instagram and WhatsApp are still down | TechRadar https://www.techradar.com/news/facebook-instagram-and-whatsapp-are-down-outage-appears-to-be-worldwide 4 comments
- Facebook Outage: Biggest DDOS Attack in History Facebook Outage: Biggest DDOS Attack in History https://blog.education-ecosystem.com/biggest-ddos-attack-in-history/ 3 comments
- Facebook Outage Analysis | ThousandEyes https://www.thousandeyes.com/blog/facebook-outage-analysis 3 comments
- Facebook says root cause of outage was faulty configuration change | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/technology/facebook-says-root-cause-outage-was-faulty-configuration-change-2021-10-05/ 3 comments
- Facebook faulty configuration change: Who, what, why? https://haydenjames.io/facebook-faulty-configuration-change-who-what-why/ 1 comment
- What happened to Facebook? - by Justin - Technically https://technically.substack.com/p/what-happened-to-facebook 1 comment
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