Hacker News
- A brief history of Rust at Facebook https://engineering.fb.com/2021/04/29/developer-tools/rust/ 178 comments
- A brief history of Rust at Facebook https://engineering.fb.com/2021/04/29/developer-tools/rust/ 13 comments rust
Linking pages
- Rust Is The Future of JavaScript Infrastructure | Lee Robinson https://leerob.io/blog/rust 431 comments
- burn-rs https://burn-rs.github.io/blog/a-case-for-rust-in-deep-learning 45 comments
- This Week in Rust 389 · This Week in Rust https://this-week-in-rust.org/blog/2021/05/05/this-week-in-rust-389/ 20 comments
- 42 Companies using Rust in production https://kerkour.com/rust-in-production-2021 9 comments
- 42 Companies using Rust in production https://kerkour.com/blog/rust-in-production-2021/ 6 comments
- GitHub - ImplFerris/rust-in-production: Rust In Production https://github.com/ImplFerris/rust-in-production 4 comments
- Building a gRPC Server With Rust. A step-by-step guide | by Yuchen Z. | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/building-a-grpc-server-with-rust-be2c52f0860e 1 comment
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