- TIL one of the most important early 20th c. artists, Marcel Duchamp, had a significant career in the chess world, co-writing an endgame that folds on itself to describe a rare position https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/marcel_duchamp#transition_from_art_to_chess 7 comments chess
Linking pages
- A Unique Experience of Art, Coffee, and Community at Docent Coffee in Atlanta — Atlanta Coffee Shops https://www.atlantacoffeeshops.com/blog/an-experience-of-art-coffee-and-community-docent-coffee 0 comments
- Systems of meaning all in flames | Meaningness http://meaningness.com/systems-crisis-breakdown 0 comments
- What Happened to the Readymake: Duchamp Chess Pieces? - Scott Kildall https://kildall.com/archives/3259 0 comments