Hacker News
- Maybe they're here, just waiting for us to catch up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox 3 comments
- Earth is economic backwater - Fermi Paradox solution https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox#Economic_explanations 19 comments space
- Time dilation may be the reason for the lack of extraterrestrial contact: a (potentially) original thought https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox 65 comments space
- Your solution to the Fermi Paradox, and does it scare/bother you? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/fermi_paradox 9 comments space
- Theoretical explanations answering the Fermi paradox https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/fermi_paradox#explaining_the_paradox_theoretically 32 comments space
- How many people on /r/aliens actually believe life has been to Earth? http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox 31 comments aliens
- The Fermi Paradox: Why we _should_ see alien civilizations, but don't. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/fermi_paradox 3 comments science
Linking pages
- It’s not aliens. It’ll probably never be aliens. So stop. Please just stop. | Ars Technica https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/02/its-not-aliens-itll-probably-never-be-aliens-so-stop-please-just-stop/ 3387 comments
- Why Do We Assume Extraterrestrials Might Want to Visit Us? - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-we-assume-extraterrestrials-might-want-to-visit-us/ 1185 comments
- Is this life real? - Entropy http://www.yaabot.com/13047/is-this-life-real/ 353 comments
- Aliens Exist. And They Use Cryptocurrency https://www.coindesk.com/consensus-magazine/2023/07/28/aliens-exist-and-they-use-cryptocurrency/ 256 comments
- Gwern Branwen - How an Anonymous Researcher Predicted AI's Trajectory https://www.dwarkeshpatel.com/p/gwern-branwen 247 comments
- Advanced Civilizations Could be Indistinguishable from Nature - Universe Today https://www.universetoday.com/169993/advanced-civilizations-could-be-indistinguishable-from-nature/ 139 comments
- The Algernon Argument · Gwern.net http://www.gwern.net/Drug%20heuristics?2= 129 comments
- The Selfish Meme Simulation Theory of Everything | Medium https://muellerberndt.medium.com/memetic-natural-selection-how-memes-create-all-of-reality-8be4722b6a2 120 comments
- The Algernon Argument · Gwern.net http://www.gwern.net/Drug%20heuristics 110 comments
- The Dark Forest hypothesis is absurd - by Noah Smith https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/the-dark-forest-hypothesis-is-absurd 104 comments
- Encryption might be the reason we've never heard from aliens, says Snowden - The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2015/9/21/9363863/edward-snowden-alien-encryption 97 comments
- Aliens Exist. And They Use Cryptocurrency https://finance.yahoo.com/news/aliens-exist-cryptocurrency-182610042.html 97 comments
- The intersubjectivity collapse - by Pawel Pachniewski https://mentalcontractions.substack.com/p/the-intersubjectivity-collapse 92 comments
- Time is a Wheel, Time is an Arrow - Superb Owl https://superbowl.substack.com/p/time-is-a-wheel-time-is-an-arrow 79 comments
- The Simulation Hypothesis is correct. Here’s why. | by Bernhard Mueller | Medium https://medium.com/@muellerberndt/the-simulation-hypothesis-is-correct-heres-why-aadc6b34c667 62 comments
- The Fermi Paradox: Research Suggests Aliens Haven't Contacted Us Because They're Dead http://futurism.com/new-research-suggests-aliens-have-not-communicated-with-us-because-theyre-dead-2/ 52 comments
- Aliens Would Visit for Knowledge, Not Resources https://nav.al/resources 40 comments
- Bitcoin was given to us by aliens and we’re a node in a Universal Proof of Stake Blockchain | by one of the many matts | Medium https://medium.com/@oneofthemanymatts/bitcoin-was-given-to-us-by-aliens-and-were-a-node-in-a-universal-proof-of-stake-blockchain-e0f5b3ab0cc5 34 comments
- The Great Filter and Utilitarian ethics: Why the only moral option is press-ganging humanity into building space ships. https://laulpogan.substack.com/p/the-great-filter-and-utilitarian?sd=pf 22 comments
- A Physicist Claims He's Figured Out Why We Haven't Met Aliens Yet, And It's Pretty Worrying | Most Interesting Things https://most-interestingthings.com/a-physicist-claims-hes-figured-out-why-we-havent-met-aliens-yet-and-its-pretty-worrying/ 18 comments
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