- Raising the minimum wage is to our economic problems what the ACA was to our heath care problems: A half measure. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economies_of_scale 16 comments politics
Linking pages
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- Hispaniola's Great Divergence https://www.thefitzwilliam.com/p/hispaniolas-great-divergence 224 comments
- The Fediverse is Inefficient (but that's a good trade-off) https://berk.es/2022/11/08/fediverse-inefficiencies/ 224 comments
- How we ended up with microservices. http://philcalcado.com/2015/09/08/how_we_ended_up_with_microservices.html 220 comments
- What's The End Goal for Wealthfront and Betterment? — Larry's Website http://larrysukernik.com/blog/2016/1/1/wealthfrontandbetterment 128 comments
- Benchmarking TensorFlow on Cloud CPUs: Cheaper Deep Learning than Cloud GPUs | Max Woolf's Blog http://minimaxir.com/2017/07/cpu-or-gpu/ 104 comments
- A new Supreme Court case seeks to end separation of church and state in public schools | Vox https://www.vox.com/scotus/396991/supreme-court-religion-st-isidore-oklahoma-public-charter-schools 93 comments
- Mental models | defmacro http://www.defmacro.org/2016/12/22/models.html 75 comments
- Slowing Moore’s Law: How It Could Happen · Gwern.net http://www.gwern.net/Slowing%20Moore%27s%20Law 22 comments
- Phil Does Security | Anti-ASIC Forks Considered Harmful https://pdaian.com/blog/anti-asic-forks-considered-harmful/ 7 comments
- Evolving Terminology with Evolved Technology: Decentralized versus Distributed | by MaidSafe | safenetwork | Medium https://blog.maidsafe.net/2015/12/04/evolving-terminology/ 4 comments
- How technology is shaping our future: billions of self-employed makers and a few mega corporations https://levels.io/a-future-of-two-extremes/ 2 comments
- Decarbonization: Think globally, act locally https://noahpinion.substack.com/p/decarbonization-think-globally-act 2 comments
- Good-bye to LinkedIn, Twitter, and (almost) everyone else - The Boston Globe http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/editorials/2016/06/18/goodbye-linkedin-twitter-and-almost-everyone-else/ONzVI854k4elv7XXWYSMON/story.html 1 comment
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- And if every Fortune 50 company jumped off a bridge? | by Matt Simmons | Standalone-SysAdmin http://www.standalone-sysadmin.com/blog/2012/09/and-if-every-fortune-50-company-jumped-off-a-bridge/ 0 comments
- Ethereum Casper 101. tl;dr Casper will implement proof of… | by jon choi | Medium https://medium.com/@jonchoi/ethereum-casper-101-7a851a4f1eb0 0 comments
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- From smartphones to televisions, how Apple will avoid the fate of RCA | VentureBeat http://venturebeat.com/2011/10/29/from-smartphones-to-televisions-how-apple-will-avoid-the-fate-of-rca/ 0 comments
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