- I'm making a mod (and want feedback): *actual* biter/spitter evolution, with genes that get passed down to the next generation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_algorithm 55 comments factorio
- What are some fun mathematical projects one could do using a genetic algorithm? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_algorithm 7 comments math
- Self-taught developer lacking a CS degree: What gaps should I be filling in? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_algorithm 88 comments learnprogramming
- Discussion: how could we measure the "fun-ness" of a level? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_algorithm 28 comments gamedev
Linking pages
- Why Can a Machine Beat Mario but not Pokemon? | by Shayaan Jagtap | Towards Data Science https://medium.com/@shayaan.jagtap/why-can-a-machine-beat-mario-but-not-pokemon-ff61313187e1 177 comments
- GitHub - victorqribeiro/invaderz: Space invaders, but the invaders evolve with genetic algorithm https://github.com/victorqribeiro/invaderz 129 comments
- Complexity no Bar to AI · Gwern.net http://www.gwern.net/Complexity-vs-AI 118 comments
- GitHub - codeplea/genann: simple neural network library in ANSI C https://github.com/codeplea/genann 54 comments
- Squeezing a Little More Performance Out of Bytecode Interpreters · Stefan-Marr.de https://stefan-marr.de/2023/06/squeezing-a-little-more-performance-out-of-bytecode-interpreters/ 51 comments
- javascript-algorithms/src/algorithms/statistics/weighted-random at master · trekhleb/javascript-algorithms · GitHub https://github.com/trekhleb/javascript-algorithms/tree/master/src/algorithms/statistics/weighted-random#weighted-random 28 comments
- A silly self-learning asteroids-like game. | The Grandmother http://thegrandmotherblogg.wordpress.com/2014/05/28/a-silly-self-learning-asteroids-like-game/ 28 comments
- GitHub - Bauxitedev/vehicle_evolver_deluxe: A browser app that evolves vehicles using genetic algorithms, written in Rust and Bevy https://github.com/Bauxitedev/vehicle_evolver_deluxe 26 comments
- UTL/docs/module_random.md at master · DmitriBogdanov/UTL · GitHub https://github.com/DmitriBogdanov/UTL/blob/master/docs/module_random.md 18 comments
- A Dive into Stack Overflow Jobs Search | by Aurélien Gasser | Medium https://medium.com/@aurelien.gasser/a-dive-into-stack-overflow-jobs-search-62bc6e628f83 17 comments
- Genetic Algorithms 101 http://www.catonmat.net/blog/genetic-algorithms-101/ 16 comments
- Hunt The Bugs With Mutation Testing https://www.sipios.com/blog-tech/hunt-the-bugs-with-mutation-testing 16 comments
- GitHub - TheAlgorithms/Go: Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Go for beginners, following best practices. https://github.com/TheAlgorithms/Go 16 comments
- Playing with genetic algorithms in python | Josep Rubió Piqué https://joseprupi.github.io/misc/2023/08/19/playing_with_genetic_algorithms_in_python.html 16 comments
- Use Genetic Programming To Generate File Converters – Bia.is - Devlog http://biais.org/use-genetic-programming-to-generate-file-converters/ 15 comments
- Reverse-Engineered Irises Look So Real, They Fool Eye-Scanners | WIRED http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/07/reverse-engineering-iris-scans/ 5 comments
- GitHub - DomenicoDeFelice/genetic-algorithm-in-python: A genetic algorithm written in Python for educational purposes. https://github.com/DomenicoDeFelice/genetic-algorithm-in-python 4 comments
- GitHub - cashlionjp/JeneticS: Genetic Algorithm Framework in JS https://github.com/cashlionjp/jenetics 4 comments
- Allocating final year projects to students http://vknight.org/unpeudemath/math/2017/09/26/allocating-final-year-projects-to-students.html 4 comments
- Genetic algorithm for Register Allocation https://kunalspathak.github.io/2021-07-22-Genetic-Algorithms-In-LSRA/ 4 comments
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