Hacker News
- A federal carbon tax is imminent in the USA, and Exxon is pushing it https://electrek.co/2016/08/29/a-federal-carbon-tax-is-imminent-in-the-usa-and-exxon-is-pushing-it/ 84 comments
- A federal carbon tax is imminent in the USA – and Exxon is pushing it https://electrek.co/2016/08/29/a-federal-carbon-tax-is-imminent-in-the-usa-and-exxon-is-pushing-it/ 5 comments politics
- A federal carbon tax is imminent in the USA – and Exxon is pushing it https://electrek.co/2016/08/29/a-federal-carbon-tax-is-imminent-in-the-usa-and-exxon-is-pushing-it/ 6 comments worldnews
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- Google https://www.google.com/ 17602 comments
- Exxon Knew about Climate Change Almost 40 Years Ago - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/ 2722 comments
- ExxonMobil gave millions to climate-denying lawmakers despite pledge | Climate crisis | The Guardian http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jul/15/exxon-mobil-gave-millions-climate-denying-lawmakers 197 comments
- California to investigate whether Exxon Mobil lied about climate-change risks - Los Angeles Times http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-exxon-global-warming-20160120-story.html 42 comments
- EGEB | Electrek https://electrek.co/guides/egeb/ 0 comments
- Does a Carbon Tax make sense? Minnesota Judge suggests cost of carbon could be 10x more than previously thought | Electrek http://electrek.co/2016/05/04/does-a-carbon-tax-make-sense-minnesota-judge-suggests-cost-of-carbon-could-be-10x-more-than-previously-thought/ 0 comments
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