Hacker News
- Three NSA Whistleblowers Back EFF's Lawsuit Over Government Spying Program https://www.eff.org/press/releases/three-nsa-whistleblowers-back-effs-lawsuit-over-governments-massive-spying-program 37 comments
- "In a motion filed in the 9th Circuit on July 2, the three whistleblowers, all former intelligence analysts, confirmed the fact that, 'the NSA has, or is in the process of obtaining, the capability to seize and store most electronic communications passing through its U.S. intercept centers'" https://www.eff.org/press/releases/three-nsa-whistleblowers-back-effs-lawsuit-over-governments-massive-spying-program 638 comments technology
- Three NSA Whistleblowers Back EFF's Lawsuit Over Government's Massive Spying Program https://www.eff.org/press/releases/three-nsa-whistleblowers-back-effs-lawsuit-over-governments-massive-spying-program 5 comments privacy
Linking pages
- HOPE 9: Whistleblower Binney says the NSA has dossiers on nearly every US citizen | CSO Online http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/hope-9-whistleblower-binney-says-nsa-has-dossiers-nearly-every-us-citizen 613 comments
- The NSA's warrantless wiretapping is a crime, not a state secret | Cindy Cohn and Trevor Timm | The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jul/10/nsa-warrantless-wiretapping-crime 22 comments
- Overruling the Obama Administration a Federal Judge Allows Suit Against NSA Spying to Go Forward http://reason.com/blog/2013/07/09/overruling-the-obama-administration-a-fe 9 comments
- The NSA's warrantless wiretapping is a crime, not a state secret | Cindy Cohn and Trevor Timm | The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jul/10/nsa-warrantless-wiretapping-crime?mobile-redirect=false 8 comments
- National Uproar: A Comprehensive Overview of the NSA Leaks and Revelations — Mike Gerwitz http://mikegerwitz.com/2013/06/National-Uproar-A-Comprehensive-Overview-of-the-NSA-Leaks-and-Revelations 0 comments
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